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VTE1, 2, and 6 Data Criteria sections contain multiple entries for the same element/valuesetCQM-1068
Total score may not match the sum of patients in each stratum.CQM-1619
CMS31v4_EHDI_1a_NQF1354_Understanding needed for data elementCQM-1253
Stage 2 Core 12 Preventive Care (Patient Reminders) - encounter criteriaCQM-1254
Initial Patient Population Constraint for CMS 9 is unclearCQM-1277
Lovenox 40mg - attached to RxNorm code 854236-is used frequently at our facility. This code is not listed in the inclusion list, however 854235 (which also maps to Lovenox) is. Please explain why one Lovenox code is included and the other is not?CQM-1267
NQF 0032 / CMS 124v2CQM-1269
for 9 measures need to know if they are encounter or patient based or bothCQM-1314
CMS 160v2 Logic Confirmation on "ends before" and "starts before"CQM-1316
CMS140v1- "FIRST" time conditionCQM-590
CMS172v3/NQF0528 SCIPInf2, Colon Surgery, Pacemaker Device after end of Colon surgery logic is missing "Occurance A"CQM-592
CMS109v2/NQF0374 VTE4 and CMS110v2/NQF0375 VTE5 - Redundant logic in check for VTE Confirmed w/ED encounterCQM-584
Ami2/AMI10 uses 'Medication, Discharge starts during' encounter, VTE3/VTE5 uses 'Medication, Discharge during' encounterCQM-586
Clarification in time frame for narcolepsy in NQF108/CMS136CQM-589
CMS171v3/NQF0527 And CMS172v3/NQF0528 SCIPInf1 and 2, Other surgeries logic in SCIPInf2 looks for Occurance B, SCIPInf1 does notCQM-1311
Coding of eMeasure 178 SpecificationsCQM-1280
Is early ambulation an accepted alternative to mechanical prophylaxis?CQM-1281
Logic error in CMS171 NumeratorCQM-1296
Difference in logic for Comfort Measures Only in AMI-2 and AMI-10CQM-1294
Mti-Specialty Practice QuestionCQM-1286
Questions regarding the appropriate capture of VTE confirmedCQM-1299
cms69 DENEX coded as DENOM ?CQM-1298
CMS140v1- date range conditions not specified for all results from proc performedCQM-1302
Need understanding for IPP in CMS9CQM-1307
Data capture and validation for CMS171CQM-1308
Confusion regarding coding of the measureCQM-1309
Clarification needed on CMS 122v2 Denominator ExclusionsCQM-602
CMS108v2/NQF0371 VTE1 - Gap in Reason for No VTE Prophylaxis logic for Admission w/o ED encounterCQM-627
Intent of "Occurrence B" logic in measure CMS 146CQM-1301
Need understanding for Numerator in CMS73CQM-1337
Two Principal (Main) Procedures for Denominator Definition CMS171/NQF 0528CQM-1868
Minimum date information required to satisfy cancer screening measuresCQM-1870
Value set crosswalk causing variations in expectationsCQM-1252
uncomplicated cataract surgery patients are showing as exceptions in errorCQM-1251
Temporal references - Diagnosis SAS & SBS Measurement periodCQM-1247
CMS136 eCQM temporal logic may qualify patient into numerator by mistakeCQM-1241
CMS 133v2- Inital Patient PopulationCQM-1239
Measure EP_CMS154v2_NQF0069_URICQM-1238
Numerator "most recent BP" at "most recent encounter" does not capture measure intent for multispecialty groups or large academic medical centers who share patients medical record across all clinics and specialties.CQM-1226
Collecting the "most recent" "Encounter, Performed: BMI Encounter Code Set" does not accurately capture intent of measure for Multi Specialty Clinics and Academic Medical Centers.CQM-1229
Dialysis Education is not screening and does not indicate there is evidence of nephropathy and should be taken out as a satisfier for meeting the numerator.CQM-1227
Measure intent for quality improvement is difficult for multi specialty clinics and academic medical centers without denominator exclusions for diagnoses requiring high risk medications.CQM-1228
The numerator should also allow "Procedure, Performed: Mammogram" with mammogram procedure codes for mapping.CQM-1224
Mother's mental health assessment documented in child's medical record with no way to link the outcomes of assessment to the mother's EMR for tracking, assessment or follow-up and violates mother's right to privacy.CQM-1230
Allow patient reported data to identify sexually active population.CQM-1223
CMS 169: denominator criteriaCQM-1236
Clarification required
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