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- CQM-608VTE1, 2, and 6 Data Criteria sections contain multiple entries for the same element/valueset
- CQM-1068Total score may not match the sum of patients in each stratum.
- CQM-452PN6 Perpetuation of redundant antibiotic regimen?
- CQM-456PN6 Check for Active Diagnosis of Presumptive Pneumonia in Non-ICU location Logic unclear
- CQM-457SCIP Inf-1, Population 7 Error in Demoninator Exclusion.
- CQM-463PN6 denominator 2 exclusions missing check for 2 ed encounters within 24 hours that appears in denominator 1 exclusions
- CQM-420Denominator Exclusion "Reason for Not
- CQM-1632VTE-73 Guidance and Specifications Provide Differing Criteria
- CQM-1633CMS-102 Additional Rehab Selections Needed in Value Set
- CQM-1631CMS102_NQF0441_Assessed for Rehabilitation
- CQM-818All-inclusive x-ray study is unnecessarily burdensome
- CQM-1637Difference between "Baseline State/Last Known Well" and "Time of Symptom Onset"
- CQM-1635Changes to Breast Cancer Screening Measure (CMS125)
- CQM-1630Needing guidance for continued utilization of CMS 185
- CQM-1629Initial patient population Delivery procedure performed results in fetal demise cases in numerator
- CQM-1627QRDA specifications supporting 2015 measures
- CQM-1625Counting a Measure with a Zero Denominator
- CQM-2278clarification on timing for spontaneous labor and use of AROM or oxytocin
- CQM-2276EP_142v4 Diabetic Retinopathy: Communication with the Physician Managing Ongoing Diabetes Care
- CQM-1622Is documentation of refusal of any type of VTE prophylaxis sufficient to be in the numerator?
- CQM-1623CMS32_NQF0496_ED3_Discrepancy observed
- CQM-2279EP_142v4 Diabetic Retinopathy: Communication with the Physician Managing Ongoing Diabetes Care
- CQM-1139CMS-147 Influenza Logic In Encounter Context
- CQM-546CMS188v3/NQF0147 Denominator exclusion for LOS <24 hours should be LOS <= 1 day to match human readable denominator exclusion AND legacy measure
- CQM-550SCIP INF-1 Hospital Measures Pacemaker or Implantable Defibrillator Device
- CQM-545CMS188v3/NQF0147 PN6: Denominator Exclusion for Prolonged QT Interval does not follow abstraction guidelines for Compromised legacy data point
- CQM-552Diagnosis exclusions don't match intent of measure to look for co-morbid conditions
- CQM-1619CMS31v4_EHDI_1a_NQF1354_Understanding needed for data element
- CQM-1872Rationale behind the change in data element and measure logic
- CQM-569Dental Decay (CMS 75): update age limit from "<=20" to "<20"
- CQM-572Appropriate Treatment for Children with URI: Is each episode counted in the denominator?
- CQM-574Alternative PC05-a Measure
- CQM-579CMS100v2/NQF0142 AMI2 Clinical trial logic differs slightly from other AMI measures
- CQM-1620CMS185 Healthy Term Newborn_2015update
- CQM-1147Logic or Cypress error in CMS64v3
- CQM-1140Non-Elective Inpatients
- CQM-1151Measure Criteria: Numerator results
- CQM-1143CMS163/NQF0064 Numerator Logic Missing
- CQM-1149Numerator condition it is written that cumulative days should ends after start of Occurrence A. In other description medication should be active for 84-114 days following the prescription index start date.
- CQM-1716Please confirm CMS91v5 measure definition for Exclusions and Exceptions
- CQM-859PN6 logic can allow a patient to be in both ICU and non-ICU population
- CQM-1359CMS156v2 and CMS156v3: Should medication Prescribed Elsewhere be excluded from numerator?
- CQM-853Why are there multiple varying value sets for pregnancy?
- CQM-1657Why a case fails the numerator when adding one more date entry after discharge
- CQM-849Missing "facility location arrival datetime" in CMS178v3?
- CQM-1342CMS 62v2- Is the 90 day count for any two visits or only btw consecutive visits
- CQM-1895CMS61v5
- CQM-1893CMS52v3 and CMS52v4 Numerator
- CQM-1894CMS138v4 language
- CQM-1231'Unstratified' calculation for ED measures
1 of 1186
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