EH/CAH eCQMs - Eligible Hospitals/Critical Access Hospitals
Resolution: Answered
Pop 1 Antibiotic Reg: 3b redundant
Tamara Bailey
PN6, Population 1 (the ICU population) has 4 drug regimens in it:
1. IV Macrolides AND (IV Beta Lactams OR IV Antipneumoccal/Antipsuedomonal Beta Lactams) (Corresponds to Regimen 1b of the legacy measures)
2. IV Quinolones Antipneumococcal AND (IV Beta Lactams OR IV Antipneumoccal/Antipsuedomonal Beta Lactams) (Corresponds to Regimen 2b of the legacy measures)
3. IV Antipseudomonal Quinolones AND (IV Beta Lactams OR IV Antipneumoccal/Antipsuedomonal Beta Lactams) (Also corresponds to Regimen 2b of the legacy measures)
4. IV Antipneumoccal/Antipsuedomonal Beta Lactams AND IV Aminoglycosides AND (IV Quinolones Antipneumococcal OR IV Macrolides) (Corresponds to Regimen 3b of the legacy measures)
For several years, it has been acknowledged in a note on the legacy measures that Regimen 3b's final point in the algorithm logic cannot be reached because the patient will already qualify as having gotten regimen 1b or 2b. This also occurs in the new format. Why is this redundant logic being continued, especially in the new format?