- CQM-7560CMS871v3-Encounter with First Glucose Greater Than or Equal to 1000
- CQM-266source for eye exam info
- CQM-267source functional status
- CQM-7568Observation Discharges Included in Measure
- CQM-7548VTE Outpatient in a Bed and Observation
- CQM-7565CMS122 - 2024 performance period
- CQM-7564Clarification for CMS137v13
- CQM-7552Requesting guidance on what to expect for units for the risk variables in CMS 832v2 - Acute Kidney Injury
- CQM-7553Question about CY2025 CPT code used in CMS506v7 - Safe Use of Opioids eCQM
- CQM-7554CMS 819 -ORAE clarification
- CQM-7563Conflicts with units of measure for CMS529, CMS832, CMS844
- CQM-7562Capturing Balloon Time with third party system for OP-40 STEMI
- CQM-7561The specs for HH-02 indicate that any diabetes diagnosis before or during the encounter will qualify the patient for this measure.
- CQM-7559Questions about CMS128v13
- CQM-7555Denex and Numer are 1
- CQM-7543CMS996-v5.4 : Denominator Exclusion includes check for active inpatient hospital admission
- CQM-505Missing template ID requirements for Patient Characteristic Observation Assertion template in QRDA Category I spec
- CQM-5103 different value sets for Device, Applied not Done: Medical Reasons
- CQM-7566Childhood immunization Quality measure
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