As per CMS142v4
Denominator =
◦AND: Initial Population
◦AND: "Diagnostic Study, Performed: Macular Exam (result)" during Occurrence A of $EyeCareEncounters
Numerator =
◦AND: "Communication: From Provider to Provider: Level of Severity of Retinopathy Findings" starts after start of Occurrence A of $EyeCareEncounters
◦AND: Union of:
"Communication: From Provider to Provider: Macular Edema Findings Present"
"Communication: From Provider to Provider: Macular Edema Findings Absent"
starts after start of Occurrence A of $EyeCareEncounters
In case of two encounters like
EyeCare Encounter 1 – startdate 2nd Mar 2015 2:00 PM
EyeCare Encounter 2 – startdate 10th Jul 2015 5:00 PM
Diagnostic Study Macular Exam (result) is Performed during EyeCare Encounter 2 i.e. startdate 10th Jul 2015 5:00 PM
As per Numerator it has been mentioned that Communication: From Provider to Provider starts after start of Occurrence A of $EyeCareEncounters
So If Communication is done on 5th Mar 2015 10:00 AM (after EyeCare Encounter 1 and before EyeCare Encounter 2) shall that pass numerator condition?