
    • Icon: EC eCQMs - Eligible Clinicians EC eCQMs - Eligible Clinicians
    • Resolution: Answered
    • Icon: Minor Minor
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    • Elissa Chandler
    • 267-725-5354
    • NextGen Healthcare Information Systems
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      Thank you for your inquiry. In version 4.0 of the Quality Data Model (QDM), how age is captured was updated by replacing ‘Patient Characteristic Birthdate: birthdate’ with the function ‘Age at’. The intent and interpretation of the logic has not changed. As stated in the QDM documentation, the age logic construct, “Age >= 18 year(s) at: Measurement Period”, indicates that the patient must be at least 18 years old at the start of an event, in this case the event is the ‘measurement period’. If the measurement period is from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015, all patients who are 18 years old or older on January 1, 2015 (the start of the measurement period) are included in the measure, while patients who turn 18 years old on January 2, 2015 and onwards are not included in the measure.
      If you have further questions on how to execute the ‘Age at’ function, we recommend that you reach out to the QDM experts at qdm@esacinc.com. We also recommend you refer to the QDM document which can be accessed at: https://ecqi.healthit.gov/qdm. The QDM is the data model used to specify eCQMs, and the QDM document provides helpful information on the different functions and operators used in the measure logic.
      Thank you for your inquiry. In version 4.0 of the Quality Data Model (QDM), how age is captured was updated by replacing ‘Patient Characteristic Birthdate: birthdate’ with the function ‘Age at’. The intent and interpretation of the logic has not changed. As stated in the QDM documentation, the age logic construct, “Age >= 18 year(s) at: Measurement Period”, indicates that the patient must be at least 18 years old at the start of an event, in this case the event is the ‘measurement period’. If the measurement period is from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015, all patients who are 18 years old or older on January 1, 2015 (the start of the measurement period) are included in the measure, while patients who turn 18 years old on January 2, 2015 and onwards are not included in the measure.     If you have further questions on how to execute the ‘Age at’ function, we recommend that you reach out to the QDM experts at qdm@esacinc.com . We also recommend you refer to the QDM document which can be accessed at: https://ecqi.healthit.gov/qdm . The QDM is the data model used to specify eCQMs, and the QDM document provides helpful information on the different functions and operators used in the measure logic.  
    • CMS138v4/NQF0028
    • issue is for CMS138v4 compared to prior versions CMS138v3 and prior
    • Impedes measure development.


      For Initial Population in CMS138v4 the language has changed for the age requirement from previous version such as CMS138v3 and CMS138v2.

      Previously for CMS138v2 and CMS138v3, age requirement indicated ‘Patient Characteristic Birthdate: birth date >= 18 year(s) starts before start of Measurement Period’ which translates to include all Patients age 18 years or older prior to the start of the measurement period. However, in CMS138v4 and many other updated CMS measures for 2016 the age criteria has changed to ‘Age >= 18 year(s) at: Measurement Period’ which to us means we are only including patient who were 18 years or older some point in time during the measure period. Thus, we would like clarification on exactly what the age requirements for CMS138v4 and any other measures using the criterion ‘Age XXX year(s) at: Measurement Period’ . As it appear CMS updates make the specification more confusing this year with less details not just for age but for many other criterions.

      Which patient age group be included for ‘Age >= 18 year(s) at: Measurement Period’ , would it be option A or B below?

      A. All Patients age 18 years or older prior to the start of the measurement period
      B. All Patients age 18 years or older during the measurement period

            edave Mathematica EC eCQM Team
            elissa Elissa Chandler (Inactive)
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