Please guide how to go about calculating the 'unstratified' count for the ED measures.
Each ED measure logic has the following sections :-
- Initial Patient Population (IPP)
- Measure Population (MP)
in addition to Reporting Strata 1, 2 and 3.
Does 'unstratified' mean we have to qualify an encounter based on only the IPP + MP conditions, or just IPP?
For qualifying under the reporting strata, do we apply the IPP + MP conditions before evaluating the respective strata conditions?
i.e. Reporting Stratum 1 = IPP + MP + RS1?
Reporting Stratum 1 = IPP + RS1?
There is no clear guidance on how to calculate the unstratified and the reporting strata, especially because for the ED1 and ED2 measures the RS1 has the same exact condition as the MP, and for the ED3 measure the RS1 has the same exact condition as the IPP.