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Incorrect Appendix reference in Logic and Implementation Guidance v1.3CQM-980
NQF0024 CMS155 shows a value set of LOINCsCQM-1068
Total score may not match the sum of patients in each stratum.CQM-1626
Zero numerator generating due to General or Neuraxial Anesthesia (incision datetime)CQM-1636
guidanace with CMS 160CQM-1259
Is a numerator of zero allowed when performance for the measure in the inverse of what is considered optimal care.CQM-1339
What are the acceptable elements to satisfy this measure in an EHRCQM-710
SNOMED vs. ICD codes: The eSpecs include both. Do we need to include both in our EHR mapping, or pick one or the other?CQM-685
Dates to compare for "starts before or during"CQM-690
Edge case for "starts before or during"CQM-1874
Appropriate Testing for Children with Pharyngitis - episodic or chronic measureCQM-1634
What is the proper place in QRDA Cat I file to indicate Medication Administered is on HOLDCQM-1632
VTE-73 Guidance and Specifications Provide Differing CriteriaCQM-627
Intent of "Occurrence B" logic in measure CMS 146CQM-2277
Looking for guidance on entry of data for eCQMs into CEHRT for IQR/EHR MUCQM-2275
Elective Delivery PC-01 Timing of performing Gestational Age vs Time of DeliveryCQM-2276
EP_142v4 Diabetic Retinopathy: Communication with the Physician Managing Ongoing Diabetes CareCQM-1622
Is documentation of refusal of any type of VTE prophylaxis sufficient to be in the numerator?CQM-586
Clarification in time frame for narcolepsy in NQF108/CMS136CQM-593
Error in Time Duration GuidanceCQM-1313
Issues with macroalbumin result criterionCQM-1293
Is it acceptable, for Meaningful Use Stage 2 reporting, to submit zeroes in the denominator for SCIP measures as a result of the Rx Norm/Value Set issues that are present?CQM-1283
Is table 3.2 Appendix C “Hip/Knee Arthroplasty and Colon – Antibiotics” included in the SCIP-1 (population 4) value set.CQM-1286
Questions regarding the appropriate capture of VTE confirmedCQM-1269
for 9 measures need to know if they are encounter or patient based or bothCQM-1297
For an inverse measure is zero in the NUMERATOR allowed in the QRDA fileCQM-1295
There are three measures where a numerator of zero is the preferred outcome, for those measures is a file with a denominator greater than one and a numerator of zero acceptable:CQM-2284
Encounter Performed End Date/Time ClarificationCQM-1630
Needing guidance for continued utilization of CMS 185CQM-1628
The quality help desk sent me to you. Can a 0 numerator be reported for a PQRSCQM-2279
EP_142v4 Diabetic Retinopathy: Communication with the Physician Managing Ongoing Diabetes CareCQM-1231
'Unstratified' calculation for ED measuresCQM-1233
Emeasure file submissionCQM-1252
uncomplicated cataract surgery patients are showing as exceptions in errorCQM-1250
Look back period for 'starts before or during Measurement Period' conceptsCQM-1152
Adminstrative discharge date and QRDA 1 filesCQM-562
Incorrect criteria equivalence in Logic and Implementation Guidance v1.3 Appendix C?CQM-563
Incorrect interpretation of criteria in section 3.5.1 of Logic and Implementation Guidance v1.3CQM-523
AMI8a denominator exception for reason for no PCI not documented in "Denominator Exception" section of human readable textCQM-1869
RXNorm codes obsoleteCQM-540
Guidance on Time Duration of Medication OrderCQM-521
CMS60v3/NQF0164 - AMI7a - new denominator exception not added to human readable textCQM-548
Exclusions in Description do not match specificationsCQM-487
Is attestation required or is the task required for medication administration reporting?CQM-434
Are all certified EHRs required to subtract the exclusions from the denominator of a CQM before the denominator is reported?CQM-470
Confirm value set for "Procedure, Performed not done: Medical or Other reason not done" for Current Medications DocumentedCQM-431
Denominator exclusion for depression and bipolar diagnosesCQM-430
Principal Diagnosis CodesCQM-1213
How is the compliance validated for HMPC document?CQM-1646
Unable to meet required measures
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