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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-1269

for 9 measures need to know if they are encounter or patient based or both


    • Kyle
    • 630-974-5247
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      Per the Electronic Clinical Quality Measure Logic and Implementation Guidance and Technical Release Notes (v1.9, released 03 Jul 2014), CMS68v4 is episode-based and the other eight measures listed are patient-based.
      Per the Electronic Clinical Quality Measure Logic and Implementation Guidance and Technical Release Notes (v1.9, released 03 Jul 2014), CMS68v4 is episode-based and the other eight measures listed are patient-based. http://www.cms.gov/Regulations-and-Guidance/Legislation/EHRIncentivePrograms/Downloads/eCQM_LogicGuidance_v19_July2014.pdf
    • deciding if GPRO DSV or Registry reporting will work for our practice. QualityNet recommended working with you to figure out for each 9 measures we are looking to use if they are patient/encounter based or both.

      deciding if GPRO DSV or Registry reporting will work for our practice. QualityNet recommended working with you to figure out for each 9 measures we are looking to use if they are patient/encounter based or both. kmorris@nephdocs.com

            julia.skapik Julia Skapik (Inactive)
            kylemorris Kyle Morris (Inactive)
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