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Enhance Support for Principal ProcedureQDM-162
Can you clarify what Recommended means?QDM-161
What does Encounter, Active mean?QDM-158
Clarification on the Purpose/Use of the "Health Record Field" in the Dataflow AttributeQDM-122
Representation of Risk Category Assessment questions and resultsQDM-138
Use of an attribute with a variable.QDM-57
Remove "Measurement Start Date" and "Measurement End Date" in favor of "Measurement Period"QDM-58
Add QDM data element for Immunization, administeredQDM-54
Is there a QDM element to specify the Emergency Severity Index (ESI) assigned to ED patients?QDM-53
Allow Related Medication Events to Be LinkedQDM-52
QDM Date Attributes Should Be Used With Correct Corresponding Timing RelationshipsQDM-157
what values are needed for CMS submission program nameQDM-81
Add “Medicare ID” as a data element or attributeQDM-82
Add functionality to enable day-based calculationQDM-80
Add “Provider Type” as a data element or attributeQDM-87
Ability to refer to immunizations is inconsistent with interoperability standardsQDM-90
Consider removing "anatomical approach site" from Physical Exam datatypesQDM-91
Remove or Clarify "method" attribute on "Procedure, Intolerance"QDM-77
Review datetime attributes of datatypesQDM-76
Distinguish between internal and external eventsQDM-73
Loss of expressivity with MAT updateQDM-123
QDM Attributes for Encounter Performed Data TypeQDM-63
Inability to assess the interval of time between two consecutive INR test results.QDM-64
Calculating TTR for patients that have monitoring intervals greater than 56 days and do not have 100% of INR results in rangeQDM-65
Current eMeasures specification standards are not able to instruct the EHR to evaluate the set (array) of medication entries for a patient and determine the duration that a patient is on that therapy.QDM-60
eMeasure spec standards do not provide a method of representing goal setting or goal achievementQDM-61
eMeasure spec standards do not provide a method of representing a comparison between Time 1 and Time 2 observed/reported values and whehter the difference meets a certain threshold.QDM-62
eMeasure specification standards do not provide a method for representing the variables that must be reported for risk adjustment.QDM-67
Need for clarity on use of "performed" versus "result" in datatypesQDM-99
Consider Re-Specifying Diagnosis DateTime AttributesQDM-135
Medication, Administered datatype lacks granularity to capture IV Continuous infusionsQDM-136
Describing arrival and departure timesQDM-124
Incorporating survey instruments and their results into eMeasuresQDM-125
Identifying/coding goals or targets into measuresQDM-110
Consider Retiring or Re-Specifying Care Experience DatatypesQDM-98
Clarification On Order TimesQDM-101
No way to indicate setting of Medication, Order or Medication, ActiveQDM-114
Need the ability to support reference ranges for laboratory tests in eCQMsQDM-142
QRDA I file contains multiple ER Visits which could qualify as "Occurrence A"QDM-115
Consider Re-Specifying Symptom DatatypeQDM-41
Diagnosis attribute of laterality should be retiredQDM-40
Diagnosis ordinality attribute should become principal attributeQDM-19
Cleanup of Data ElementsQDM-26
Remove “result” datatypesQDM-25
Allow a way to reference the components of a referralQDM-24
Representing patient-reported / proxy-reported data as sourceQDM-14
Introduce indicator whether measure is episode of care or patient basedQDM-38
Diagnosis category should not include preference attributesQDM-143
Modeling prescribing providerQDM-103
Consider Re-Specifying QDM Diagnosis Datatypes
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