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  1. QDM Issue Tracker
  2. QDM-60

eMeasure spec standards do not provide a method of representing goal setting or goal achievement


    • Care Goal
    • This impacts the ability of this measure (MUCD-24) to be accurately calculated.

      This impacts a proposed MU-3 measure (currently captured in MUCD-24: Functional Status Assessment and Goal Achievement for Patients with Congestive Heart Failure).

      eMeasure specification standards do not provide a method of representing the goal setting or goal achievement components of this measure.

      Goal setting and achievement requires the following:
      1. A patient-reported value at Time 1
      2. A patient-provider determined goal value documented at Time 1 and linked to the Time 1 observed/reported value
      3. A new patient-reported value at Time 2
      4. The mathematic difference between the Time 2 value and goal value, so long as there is a minimum amount of time that has passed between the Time 1 and Time 2 value
      5. The rule/logic to interpret the mathematic difference between the Time 1 value and the goal value

            FEisenberg Floyd Eisenberg
            jeff.mccartney Jeff McCartney (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
