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  1. QDM Issue Tracker
  2. QDM-82

Add functionality to enable day-based calculation


      The current version of QDM and MAT do not seem to have a mechanism capturing logic requirement to perform day-based calculation. For example, a part of MUCD-44 numerator logic identifies the first 10 days of an encounter as qualified measurable days and then further counts and sums the days with hyperglycemia as defined by the measure. The existing count function in QDM/MAT is typically used to count encounters or patients. Currently, we have not been able to express counting days during an encounter and counting days during an encounter with a certain event takes place.

      Another example, for MUCD-70, the measure numerator and denominator are in the unit of patient-drug days, which are the days in the encounter that the patient takes a specific medication. This measure also requires to calculate the cumulative daily dose (i.e., the total dose of the medication that the patient takes during a day, usually express in the unit of mg/day), which doesn’t seem to be an option in the current version of ODM/MAT.

            FEisenberg Floyd Eisenberg
            FMQAI_MedMeasures Sherry Yang (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
