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  1. QDM Issue Tracker
  2. QDM-103

Consider Re-Specifying QDM Diagnosis Datatypes


    • Icon: Enhancement Enhancement
    • Resolution: Delivered
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • QDM v4.2
    • Data Model
    • None
    • Diagnosis, Diagnosis, Active, Diagnosis, Family History, Diagnosis, Inactive, Diagnosis, Resolved

      QDM currently defines four datatypes in the Condition/Diagnosis/Problem category:

      • Diagnosis, Active
      • Diagnosis, Inactive
      • Diagnosis, Resolved
      • Diagnosis, Family History

      QDM users have identified several problems related to these datatypes. They can be broadly organized into five categories:

      1. Specificity: Should QDM distinguish between diagnoses, conditions, problems, etc.?
      2. State: Diagnoses change datatypes as they progress through states (but probably shouldn't). The Inactive state is ambiguous and poorly supported in EHRs.
      3. DateTimes: The formal datetime attribute definitions don't align well with actual use in measures (and may not align well with EHR representations).
      4. Ordinality: Support for "principal" diagnoses is poorly supported, especially in regards to tying the ordinality to the encounter.
      5. Miscellaneous: Other attributes in Diagnosis datatypes should be considered for applicability and potentially removed or modified.

      In addition, we should consider if Family History should really be a Diagnosis datatype or if it should have some other representation.

            chris.moesel Chris Moesel (Inactive)
            chris.moesel Chris Moesel (Inactive)
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