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No SNOMED codes for Encounter Valuse Sets for CMS159v1, CMS160v1, and CMS166v2CQM-428
Encounter Value SetCQM-426
Denominator Exclusion regarding ICU encountersCQM-424
Denominator Exclusion for Nursing Home StayCQM-425
Denominator Exclusion for Transfer from an Outside EDCQM-423
Denominator Exclusion for HIV TestCQM-1633
CMS-102 Additional Rehab Selections Needed in Value SetCQM-1639
October 1st, 2015 eCQM value sets will become invalid and negatively impact eCQM reports for meaningful use and inpatient quality reporting. Is there a date when these value sets will be updated before October 1st 2015?CQM-1638
There is no value set for VTE Present on Admission.CQM-1624
There have 2 diagnostics tests performed to determine a VTE that are not provided as a selection:CQM-1621
Several value sets with CMS113 only contain code sytem ICD9CMCQM-556
issue with OIDs for 19951005 SNOMED codeCQM-551
Valueset Hospital Measures-Radiological findings normal uses same valueset OID that was used for Hospital Measures-Radiological findings consistent with pneumoniaCQM-553
Closing the referral loop: referral definitionsCQM-573
CMS100v2/NQF0142 AMI2 Comfort Measures Only uses different valueset OID from CMS30v3/0639 AMI10CQM-576
CMS30v3/NQF0639 AMI10 uses a different valueset for Encounter Inpatient than all of the other AMI measuresCQM-580
Neutrophil value set has incorrect elementsCQM-1148
Visits not in denominator because of SNOMED selected by providerCQM-1140
Non-Elective InpatientsCQM-1713
Crosswalk of codes between value sets in different populations makes a patient evaluate improperlyCQM-1356
Generic versus BrandCQM-860
CQM Value sets for Eligible Provider and Medication AllergiesCQM-861
A1c LOINC codes vary between 2011 and 2014 specsCQM-853
Why are there multiple varying value sets for pregnancy?CQM-1343
CMS133v3 - Value Set 'Visual Acuity 20/40 or Better Value Set' Missing CodeCQM-1896
Confirmed VTE Value SetCQM-1892
Codes for I65 diagnoses being included for eCQM stroke populationCQM-1389
CMS 117: coding issueCQM-1395
Snomed to Cpt MappingCQM-1396
Snomed to Cpt MappingCQM-1900
RxNorm Semantic Clinical Drug (SCD) versus Ingredient level codesCQM-1901
VTE Confirmation Diagnosis value set only contains SNOMED CT codesCQM-1391
VTE Prophylaxis for VTE 3 related to Total Knee and Total Hip ReplacementsCQM-585
SNOMED CT Value set for Medication, Order Not Done:System Reasons AMI. Where do I find definitions of what a "systems" reason might be?CQM-600
Inappropriate codes in value set "Arterial or Umbilical Venous Cath Group"CQM-598
Kidney transplant elements should not include donor harvest codesCQM-599
Chlamydia element missing Diagnosis codesCQM-1321
Antithrombotic Therapy Value SetCQM-712
CMS 123 Diabetic foot exam exclusions only includes traumatic amputation or congenital absence codesCQM-868
Level of Severity of Retinopathy Findings Value Set Appears IncompleteCQM-873
Missing SNOMED codes based on IS A relationshipsCQM-874
Anesthesia type, start and end date-times are merged into one data elementCQM-872
Add Persistent Asthma (5281000124103) to the Persistent Asthma Value SetCQM-855
Include RxNorm codes for the generic drug level in the medication value setsCQM-1363
Ophthalmology related E&M CPT codes missing from Value Set.CQM-902
Suggested change to code in Parental Refusal value setCQM-898
Missing Pneumoccocal Administered cpt code for Pneumococcal Vaccine, 23-VAL Polysac.CQM-1707
EP 0068 (and other measures) not including office consults in denominator criteriaCQM-1705
V91.* Not in Pregnancy Value Sets
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