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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-1638

There is no value set for VTE Present on Admission.


    • Icon: Value Sets Value Sets
    • Resolution: Answered
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • ValueSet
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      Patients with a VTE present at admission should not be included in the denominator population for CMS114v3. The exclusion of such patients from the measure population is achieved in several ways:

       1. The initial population specifically includes patients who were diagnosed with a VTE (VTE diagnosis start datetime) during the inpatient admission, i.e. diagnoses with a start datetime prior to inpatient admission are implicitly excluded.

      2. The denominator logic requires that a confirmatory VTE diagnostic test occurs during the inpatient admission, i.e. only patients who had a VTE confirmatory test during the inpatient admission will be included in the measure population.

      3. The denominator exclusions logic accounts for patients who may have had a diagnosis of VTE, a suspicion of VTE or the confirmatory VTE diagnostic test prior to inpatient admission or within one day after inpatient admission.

      In your specific example, the case would not meet denominator inclusion criteria, and therefore it would not be in the measure population, because the patient did not have a confirmatory VTE diagnostic test during the inpatient admission (scenario 2 above).
      Patients with a VTE present at admission should not be included in the denominator population for CMS114v3. The exclusion of such patients from the measure population is achieved in several ways:  1. The initial population specifically includes patients who were diagnosed with a VTE (VTE diagnosis start datetime) during the inpatient admission, i.e. diagnoses with a start datetime prior to inpatient admission are implicitly excluded. 2. The denominator logic requires that a confirmatory VTE diagnostic test occurs during the inpatient admission, i.e. only patients who had a VTE confirmatory test during the inpatient admission will be included in the measure population. 3. The denominator exclusions logic accounts for patients who may have had a diagnosis of VTE, a suspicion of VTE or the confirmatory VTE diagnostic test prior to inpatient admission or within one day after inpatient admission. In your specific example, the case would not meet denominator inclusion criteria, and therefore it would not be in the measure population, because the patient did not have a confirmatory VTE diagnostic test during the inpatient admission (scenario 2 above).
    • Unable to accurately capture Present on Admission on VTE-6

      No way to capture a patient who arrives with a known PE and DVT on arrival. No diagnostic test was performed because patient already had an IVC filter in place and received Coumadin.

            JLeflore Joelencia Leflore
            sbritton10 Shannon Britton (Inactive)
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