Value Sets
Resolution: Answered
Bonnie Norris
Mayo Clinic
In Meaningful Use EH CQM data validation, we noticed that Xarelto (brand for rivaroxaban) & Eliquis (brand for apixaban) were not being captured in our Antithrombotic medications. We have Eliquis mapped to RXNorm code 136441 internally (as we dispense the brand formulation). LIkewise we have Xarelto mapped to the brand RX norm code as that is what we dispense. The brand RX Norm codes for these medications are not in the Antithrombotic Therapy value sets. Going forward, how should we handle this? Should we be mapping to the generic medication RXNorm Code rather than the brand when brand is actually dispensed? Thank you for your guidance.
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CQM-1277 Lovenox 40mg - attached to RxNorm code 854236-is used frequently at our facility. This code is not listed in the inclusion list, however 854235 (which also maps to Lovenox) is. Please explain why one Lovenox code is included and the other is not?
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