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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-855

Include RxNorm codes for the generic drug level in the medication value sets


    • Barbara Katzenberg
    • 617 783 7964
    • Allscripts
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      Prior response:
      Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Current Medication value sets provide RXNORM Semantic clinical drug codes and descriptors. Efforts are underway to correct this problem by expanding all Medication value sets to include the following RXNORM term types:
      • SCDF Semantic Clinical Drug Form
      • SBDF Semantic Brand Drug Form
      • SCDG Semantic Clinical Drug Group
      • SBDG Semantic Brand Drug Group
      • SCD Semantic Clinical Drug
      • SBD Semantic Brand Drug
      • GPCK Generic pack
      • BPCK Brand pack
      The inclusion of the codes and descriptors for each term type will produce a Medication value set containing a broader set of values to resolves this issue. However, see the update below regarding implementation of this in the MU2 measures.

      Updated response for 2014 measure updates:
      Note: CMS and ONC after doing feasibility review at the measure level and given current ongoing discussions with NLM have determined this fix will not be able to be broadly applied for the 2014 MU Annual Update. More clarification at the policy level is needed regarding the inclusion of brand names and the use of term types is being reviewed and guidance for each potential use of medications will be reviewed. The use of drug ingredients will be expanded for the 2014 update across the board in regards to "Medication, Ordered" and "DIscharge Medication" in the use of negations, however.
      Prior response: Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Current Medication value sets provide RXNORM Semantic clinical drug codes and descriptors. Efforts are underway to correct this problem by expanding all Medication value sets to include the following RXNORM term types: • SCDF Semantic Clinical Drug Form • SBDF Semantic Brand Drug Form • SCDG Semantic Clinical Drug Group • SBDG Semantic Brand Drug Group • SCD Semantic Clinical Drug • SBD Semantic Brand Drug • GPCK Generic pack • BPCK Brand pack The inclusion of the codes and descriptors for each term type will produce a Medication value set containing a broader set of values to resolves this issue. However, see the update below regarding implementation of this in the MU2 measures. Updated response for 2014 measure updates: Note: CMS and ONC after doing feasibility review at the measure level and given current ongoing discussions with NLM have determined this fix will not be able to be broadly applied for the 2014 MU Annual Update. More clarification at the policy level is needed regarding the inclusion of brand names and the use of term types is being reviewed and guidance for each potential use of medications will be reviewed. The use of drug ingredients will be expanded for the 2014 update across the board in regards to "Medication, Ordered" and "DIscharge Medication" in the use of negations, however.
    • Currently, patients who got appropriate care may not trigger the measures because the generic item’s associated RxNorm is not in the value set.

      RxNorm value sets for EH CQMs are at the product level, e.g., “warfarin sodium 1 mg oral tablet”; however the associated CQMs do not use product strength information. Normal workflows for capturing home medications, medications administered, or patient prescriptions do not always result in identification at the product level. Currently, patients who got appropriate care may not trigger the measures because the generic item’s associated RxNorm is not in the value set.

            rob.mcclure Rob McClure
            bkatzenberg Barbara Katzenberg (Inactive)
            Barbara Katzenberg (Inactive), Rabia Khan (Inactive), Rob McClure, Sharon J. Giarrizzo-Wilson (Inactive)
            4 Vote for this issue
            19 Start watching this issue

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