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CMS 160v2 Logic Confirmation on "ends before" and "starts before"CQM-1316
CMS140v1- "FIRST" time conditionCQM-1898
CMS77 (all versions) NUM CriteriaCQM-1899
eCQMs xml file does not specify Length of Stay value = 120CQM-1402
Our EHR uses the same field to document for CMS 068 as we do for MU Core 14. Is this a correct interpretation?CQM-1397
Counting SNOMED and CPT on same encounter?CQM-1392
Question regarding CPT codes satisfying smoking cessation counselingCQM-1390
VTE-1 Low Dose Unfractionated HeparinCQM-1903
VTE-73 Issue Regarding INR and Parenteral TherapyCQM-1382
CMS 147v2: Encounter Time Period QuestionCQM-1383
PQRS 2014 Registry XML - pqrs-measure-details element tag (Error 1123)CQM-1381
Decreased performance rate for CMS102 rehab assessmentCQM-584
Ami2/AMI10 uses 'Medication, Discharge starts during' encounter, VTE3/VTE5 uses 'Medication, Discharge during' encounterCQM-586
Clarification in time frame for narcolepsy in NQF108/CMS136CQM-589
CMS171v3/NQF0527 And CMS172v3/NQF0528 SCIPInf1 and 2, Other surgeries logic in SCIPInf2 looks for Occurance B, SCIPInf1 does notCQM-590
CMS172v3/NQF0528 SCIPInf2, Colon Surgery, Pacemaker Device after end of Colon surgery logic is missing "Occurance A"CQM-592
CMS109v2/NQF0374 VTE4 and CMS110v2/NQF0375 VTE5 - Redundant logic in check for VTE Confirmed w/ED encounterCQM-1337
Two Principal (Main) Procedures for Denominator Definition CMS171/NQF 0528CQM-1335
Exception guidance conflicts with measure logicCQM-1334
Exceptions may not be specified correctly regarding timeCQM-1332
Misalignment with parallel Core MeasureCQM-1333
Misalignment with parallel Core MeasureCQM-1311
Coding of eMeasure 178 SpecificationsCQM-713
CMS178v3\NQF0453 Why is the check for neuraxial anesthesia during the encounter written in a non-standard mannerCQM-714
CMS73v2/NQF0373 Clarification of calculation of difference between FIRST and MOST RECENTCQM-706
CMS190v2/NQF0372 check for "Device, Applied not done" starts after start of encounter, should probably be starts during insteadCQM-704
CMS171v3/NQF0527 and CMS172v3/NQF0528 looks for Device, Applied ends before start of procedure, but Device, Applied does not have an 'End DateTime'CQM-707
CMS190v2/NQF0372 Clarification of behavior in the event of multiple ICU admission/transfers during one Inpatient EncounterCQM-870
Required data elements for Reporting Strata for ED-1CQM-867
This measure could result in "treatment opportunity" even if the intent of the measure if metCQM-869
Questions for CMS 52 NUMERATOR regarding effective order and start timesCQM-866
Number of visits defined by "at least once in 12 months"CQM-871
Clarification needed for Numerator criteria for VTE-3 Venous Thromboembolism Patients with Anticoagulation Overlap TherapyCQM-874
Anesthesia type, start and end date-times are merged into one data elementCQM-855
Include RxNorm codes for the generic drug level in the medication value setsCQM-854
NQF 0070, CMS145v2 CAD BB release notes reference reporting a total, but the eMeasure spec does not.CQM-1366
Please confirm whether denominator exclusion is a valid field for this measure and, if so, provide verbiage.CQM-1367
eMeasure CMS188/nqf0147/PN-6 Contradictory Logic in Denom 2CQM-901
NQF 0389 - encounter or patient measure?CQM-902
Suggested change to code in Parental Refusal value setCQM-900
0041 measure logic leaves a hole on period start dateCQM-1375
CMS188v3 - One encounter has 2 facility locationCQM-1658
CMS91v5_NQF0437_Stroke4_Need clarification on Denominator ExceptionCQM-1659
CMS91v5_NQF0437_Stroke4_Discrepancy in measure document for Deniminator Expection sectionCQM-1703
CMS128:Need clarification on Startdate validation for Medication Active Antidepressant MedicationCQM-1700
Not receiving full credit for CMS117 since LOINCS appear inaccurateCQM-1699
IPP/Denominator and Numerator Criteria Clarification NeededCQM-1709
Logic for CMS137v3CQM-1714
Question on timing of Vancomycin in Numerator of CMS172v5CQM-1656
A change to temporal operator for Transfer From template implementation
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