EH/CAH eCQMs - Eligible Hospitals/Critical Access Hospitals
Resolution: Done
We have a question about this clause in the Numerator of CMS172v5:
"Medication, Administered: IV Vancomycin" satisfies all
■(route: Substance or Medication Administration Route IV) <= 1440 minute(s) starts before or concurrent with start of "Occurrence A of Procedure, Performed: CABG Surgeries (incision datetime)"
■starts before end of "Occurrence A of Procedure, Performed: General or Neuraxial Anesthesia"
If the first bullet is true and Vancomycin was given within 24hrs before the start of Occurrence A of Procedure, then wouldn’t that time ALWAYS be before the end of Occurrence A of Anesthesia (which is the Anesthesia associated to the Procedure)? The timing check in the second bullet seems redundant since the surgery element must be within the anesthesia element based on the previously established IPP logic. Can you please clarify what was intended by the second timing check in my example?