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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-706

CMS190v2/NQF0372 check for "Device, Applied not done" starts after start of encounter, should probably be starts during instead


    • Icon: Annual Update Annual Update
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • Measure
    • Tamara Bailey
    • 520.750.4324
    • Midas+
    • Thank you for your question. The "Starts After Start of" was replaced by "starts during" during the April 2014 measure annual update.

      In the numerator of VTE2, there exists the following code:

      ■OR: "Device, Applied not done: Patient Refusal" for "Graduated compression stockings (GCS) SNOMED-CT Value Set"
      ■OR: "Device, Applied not done: Patient Refusal" for "Venous foot pumps (VFP) SNOMED-CT Value Set"
      ■OR: "Device, Applied not done: Patient Refusal" for "Intermittent pneumatic compression devices (IPC) SNOMED-CT Value Set"
      ■starts after start of "Occurrence A of Encounter, Performed: Inpatient Encounter"

      Since this is starts after start of the encounter, with no end limiter, there could be a problem if the patient had two encounters

      Encounter 1 from 10/1/13 to 10/5/13, has no VTE prophylaxis and no reason for not having one
      Encounter 2 from 10/10/13 to 10/15/13 has a patient refusal for
      "Intermittent pneumatic compression devices (IPC) SNOMED-CT Value Set" on 10/11/13

      If Encounter 1 is run through the logic above on any day after 10/11/13, the result of the logic above would be a true, because 10/11/13 is after 10/1/13, even though during encounter 1 the patient was never given VTE Prophylaxis.

      This code would work better if it was looking for "starts during" encounter instead of starts after start of encounter

            abt.associate Abt Associate (Inactive)
            tamarabailey Tamara Bailey (Inactive)
            Deborah Krauss (Inactive), Saul Kravitz (Inactive), Sharon J. Giarrizzo-Wilson (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue

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