Regardless of the INR result (less than or greater than 2.0), if a patient has overlap therapy for 4 days (or greater) they must have an INR result start after start of their most recent parenteral dose. This is inappropriate for patient care in regards to the workflow this requires in facilities. The algorithm encourages continued parenteral dosage even after a patient is within therapeutic range for their INR. Physicians would normally discontinue the parenteral medication once the patient is within therapeutic range based upon their INR result.
"The Core Measure algorithm says INR greater than or equal to 2 on the day of or day after of the last dose of the parenteral anticoagulation therapy."
Regardless of the INR result (less than or greater than 2.0), if a patient has overlap therapy for 4 days (or greater) they must have an INR result start after start of their most recent parenteral dose. This is inappropriate for patient care in regards to the workflow this requires in facilities. The algorithm encourages continued parenteral dosage even after a patient is within therapeutic range for their INR. Physicians would normally discontinue the parenteral medication once the patient is within therapeutic range based upon their INR result.
"The Core Measure algorithm says INR greater than or equal to 2 on the day of or day after of the last dose of the parenteral anticoagulation therapy."