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  2. CQM-1334

Exceptions may not be specified correctly regarding time


    • Icon: EC eCQMs - Eligible Clinicians EC eCQMs - Eligible Clinicians
    • Resolution: Answered
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      All of the requirement statements outlined by the commenter are correct and are in line with the measure developers intent.

      The key piece that we were trying to account for are instances where a patient is seen multiple times within the flu season and their problem list is updated or their allergy status changes.
                  If a patient is seen 1/3/2012 [during MP] AND 2/7/2012 – patient has a documented egg allergy with start/stop dates of 4/2/2010 and 2/1/2012.
                  At 1/3/2012 visit, the patient would qualify as an exception. At the 2/7/2012 visit, the patient would not fall into the exceptions and should be considered for influenza vaccination.

      Since this measure is considered a patient-based measure (and not an episode-based measure), the allergy would need to be true until the end of the flu season, otherwise they should be considered a candidate for the influenza vaccine.

      To specifically address requirement #3, an exception that starts after the flu season but during the MP will not qualify as a valid exception, and therefore is not outlined as an allowable exception. The assumption is that the allergy was not present during the flu season, therefore the patient should be considered a candidate for the influenza immunization.

      We hope this response highlights our rationale, thank you for your comment.
      All of the requirement statements outlined by the commenter are correct and are in line with the measure developers intent. The key piece that we were trying to account for are instances where a patient is seen multiple times within the flu season and their problem list is updated or their allergy status changes.             SCENARIO:             If a patient is seen 1/3/2012 [during MP] AND 2/7/2012 – patient has a documented egg allergy with start/stop dates of 4/2/2010 and 2/1/2012.             At 1/3/2012 visit, the patient would qualify as an exception. At the 2/7/2012 visit, the patient would not fall into the exceptions and should be considered for influenza vaccination. Since this measure is considered a patient-based measure (and not an episode-based measure), the allergy would need to be true until the end of the flu season, otherwise they should be considered a candidate for the influenza vaccine. To specifically address requirement #3, an exception that starts after the flu season but during the MP will not qualify as a valid exception, and therefore is not outlined as an allowable exception. The assumption is that the allergy was not present during the flu season, therefore the patient should be considered a candidate for the influenza immunization. We hope this response highlights our rationale, thank you for your comment.
    • CMS147v4/NQF0041
    • Incorrect data

      A number of the denominator exceptions are specified using this construct:

      ■AND: "Occurrence A of Diagnosis, Active: Allergy to Eggs" starts before or during "Measurement Period"
      ■AND NOT: "Occurrence A of Diagnosis, Active: Allergy to Eggs" <= 89 day(s) ends after start of "Measurement Period"

      It appears the intention here is to except any patient with an exception that is active during the flu season.

      However, the specifications require this:
      1. An exception starting before flu season must be present the entire flu season through the last day.
      2. An exception starting during the flu season must be present the remainder of the flu season through the last day.
      3. An exception starting after the flu season but during the MP, which is unlikley to be relevant to the flu season in question, has no restrictions at all

      We confirmed this on Bonnie. It is unlikely that this was the intention.

            edave Mathematica EC eCQM Team
            hbregman Howard Bregman (Inactive)
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