Implementation Problem
Resolution: Done
Mitra Biglari
Per the Data Types R2 specification, lowClosed and highClosed both default to "true", so this issue has been clarified and resolved.
Length of stay = 120 are NOT included in the eCQMs xml implementation .
I found the discrepancies between eCQM xml file and HQMF IG document. In the HQMF Implementation Guide, the example provided specifies LOS with <highClosed="true"> to include “value = 120”. However, all eCQMs v2015 contain NO such indicator (see the screen short below). Since eCQMs xml file does not say it, our question is how to include value of "=120" to LOS calculation.
<lengthOfStayQuantity >
<uncertainRange highClosed="true">
<high xsi:type="PQ" value="120" unit="d"/>
In xml file -
<low nullFlavor="NINF" xsi:type="PQ"/>
<high unit="d" value="120" xsi:type="PQ"/>