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Conflicting information between 2 documents on CMS website on PQRS measuresCQM-1488
Unable to meet this measure although it is one of the pediatric recommended CQMCQM-1416
Measure requires evaluation of pregnancy status of patients > 65 years oldCQM-1417
Variation between VTE-1 and VTE-2 Numerator for Oral Factor Xa InhibitorCQM-1433
actionNegationInd seems to have multiple meaningsCQM-1065
CMS 52 numerator 1 criteriaCQM-1747
Anal Chlamydia Lab TestsCQM-1743
0495 IPP Stratafication Bonnie/CMS/Joint Commission MismatchCQM-1741
NCQA will present proposed changes to the IVD Aspirin Measure (CMS164)CQM-1740
Numerator allows for potential timing issues which would be contrary to measure intent.CQM-1762
Clinical Trial Data Element Specificity in eCQMCQM-1404
CMS 166/NQF 0052 Denominator Exclusion Logic ConflictingCQM-1964
Behavioral Health Codes Added to VTE-108CQM-1963
CMS-1835 I posted a question in comments on 4/29/16 but status is closed so I wondered if I should have created an issue since that is not being monitored any longer.CQM-1914
Need understanding on the change from 'Result/Finding' to 'Performed'CQM-1915
Measure fails to distinguish first visitCQM-1408
Addition of encounter ophthalmological services to initial patient populationCQM-1937
For eCQM VTE-1, if only one form of VTE prophylaxis is ordered by MD (ie: Lovenox), if patient refuses it, does the measure require another form (ie: mechanical) to be used/refused/reason not to give?CQM-1938
For both AMI2 and AMI10, clinical trial participant is included as a data element within the 2014 edition eCQM specifications that are located on the USHIK site. However for CMS in 2015 and 2016 they are not.CQM-1939
Observation patients' discharge time for ED-1 and ED-2 eCQMCQM-1942
Need clarification on the logic for CMS2v5CQM-1425
CQM 147v2: Measure / numerator criteriaCQM-1426
Exclusion for Hearing ScreeningCQM-1007
Clarification of intent on opthalmologic examination for CMS142CQM-1011
Gestational Age - Inconsistent Logic Between MeasuresCQM-1406
QUESTION: CMS 155 stratum 3CQM-1405
Extend value set to support capture of previous flu vaccines with relevant CVX codesCQM-1407
Functional status assessment codes cross all three FSA measuresCQM-1946
Moving Principal Diagnosis to the Encounter as an attributeCQM-1957
Closing the Referral Loop CMS50v4CQM-823
Why were the ICD-9 codes for asthma removed?CQM-1361
Unnecessary duplicative conditions in numerator of CMS 141CQM-846
HIV not included in exceptions for EP 0041CQM-842
Diabetes Foot Exam - Discrete data points for sensory/pulse/visual?CQM-840
CMS82v1 Question regarding numerator and denominator criteriaCQM-836
CMS90 contains logic flawsCQM-1493
Need clarification on Numerator conditionCQM-1492
Need understanding on Denominator Exclusion conditionCQM-1001
CMS166 question regarding order of eventsCQM-1003
Outpatient Visits (HOV) falling in STK population. Please reference 'Impact' for full description of issueCQM-1005
CVX codes missing from PPV value set in CMS127CQM-1308
Confusion regarding coding of the measureCQM-1309
Clarification needed on CMS 122v2 Denominator ExclusionsCQM-602
CMS108v2/NQF0371 VTE1 - Gap in Reason for No VTE Prophylaxis logic for Admission w/o ED encounterCQM-1307
Data capture and validation for CMS171CQM-1299
cms69 DENEX coded as DENOM ?CQM-1298
CMS140v1- date range conditions not specified for all results from proc performedCQM-1302
Need understanding for IPP in CMS9CQM-1301
Need understanding for Numerator in CMS73
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