In the denominator conditions, only one of the Clinical Staging Procedure Results specifies a particular date range for the condition. The only specified is-
◦AND: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Performed: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Distant Metastasis Status M0')" starts before or during ■OR: "Occurrence A of Encounter, Performed: Office Visit"
■OR: "Occurrence A of Encounter, Performed: Face-to-Face Interaction"
However in the subsequent ones further below it doesn't.
Question- Should this apply to the other ones also
" starts before or during
■OR: "Occurrence A of Encounter, Performed: Office Visit"
■OR: "Occurrence A of Encounter, Performed: Face-to-Face Interaction"
Otherwise is there a different date range for these conditions-
◦AND: ■OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Performed: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Regional Lymph Node Status N3')"
■OR: ■AND: ■OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Performed: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Primary Tumor Size T0')"
■OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Performed: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Primary Tumor Size T1')"
■OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Performed: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Primary Tumor Size T1a')"
■OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Performed: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Primary Tumor Size T1b')"
■OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Performed: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Primary Tumor Size T1c')"
■OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Performed: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Primary Tumor Size T1mi')"
■AND: ■OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Performed: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Regional Lymph Node Status N1')"
■OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Performed: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Regional Lymph Node Status pN1a')"
■OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Performed: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Regional Lymph Node Status pN1b')"
■OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Performed: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Regional Lymph Node Status pN1c')"
■OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Performed: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Regional Lymph Node Status pN1mi')"
■OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Performed: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Regional Lymph Node Status N2')"
■OR: ■AND: ■OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Performed: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Primary Tumor Size T2')"
■OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Performed: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Primary Tumor Size T3')"
■OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Performed: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Primary Tumor Size T4')"
■AND: ■OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Performed: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Regional Lymph Node Status N0')"
■OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Performed: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Regional Lymph Node Status N1')"
■OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Performed: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Regional Lymph Node Status N2')"
■OR: ■AND: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Performed: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Primary Tumor Size T1c')"
■AND: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Performed: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Regional Lymph Node Status N0')"
- Is blocked by
CQM-1316 CMS140v1- "FIRST" time condition
- Closed