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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-1404

CMS 166/NQF 0052 Denominator Exclusion Logic Conflicting


    • Thank you for your comment. You are correct, the narrative and the logic criteria do not match. The measure will be updated at the next annual update to reflect the correct logic of <= 365 days starts before the start of Occurrence A.
    • CMS166v4/NQF0052
    • Need to determine correct interpretation prior to certification and for qualification.

      I would like clarification on the "Use of Imaging Studies for Low Back Pain" measure.

      In the Denominator Exclusion narrative/text section, they indicate the following:
      Exclude patients with a diagnosis of cancer any time in their history or patients with a diagnosis of recent trauma, IV drug abuse, or neurologic impairment *during the 12-month period prior to the outpatient or emergency department visit.*

      This sounds like what would be represented like "<=12 months starts before start of Occurrence A"

      The Population Criteria for Denominator Exclusion shows:
      ■OR: "Diagnosis, Active: Trauma"
      ■OR: "Diagnosis, Active: IV Drug Abuse"
      ■OR: "Diagnosis, Active: Neurologic impairment"
      ■ <= 365 day(s) starts before or during "Measurement Period"

      Since this does not say it is <=365 days from the OCCURRENCE, is it implied that it should be from the occurrence? Or if the occurrence (Diagnosis, Active: Low Back Pain) occurred on June 15 2014, and the Diagnosis, Active: Trauma occurred in January 15, 2013 would this count as an exclusion? It would be <=365 days before the measurement period.

            edave Mathematica EC eCQM Team
            oldst Tera Olds (Inactive)
            Tera Olds (Inactive)
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