CMS161 looks at the Percentage of patients aged 18 years and older with a diagnosis of major depressive disorder (MDD) with a suicide risk assessment completed during the visit in which a new diagnosis or recurrent episode was identified.
This measure is intended to only require a suicide risk assessment at the visit where a new or recurrent episode of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is started. Measure implementers have given us feedback that capturing a new or recurrent episode of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) to identify the initial population/denominator has been challenging, as MDD diagnosis starts and stops during the encounter. Every visit for MDD is showing up as a new episode of MDD. After discussion, the clinical experts agreed that the logic should be modified and to introduce a look back period of 105 days, such that an episode of MDD would only be considered to be a recurrence if the patient has not had an MDD-related encounter within the past 105 days, thus eliminating routine visits for an ongoing case of MDD from the measure.
Propose revising the initial population logic by introducing a look back period of 105 days in order to limit the initial population to patients with a new or recurrent episode of MDD (if there is a gap of >=105 days between visits for MDD, clinical experts suggest that would imply a recurrent episode). PCPI also proposes to revise the classification of the ‘Major Depressive Disorder-Active’ diagnosis as an attribute of an encounter to ensure that the encounter is related to patient’s MDD.
We seek feedback on the following proposed logic:
Current logic:
•Initial Population =
◦AND: Age>= 17 year(s) at: "Measurement Period"
◦AND: "Diagnosis: Major Depressive Disorder-Active" starts during Occurrence A of $MDDEncounters161
•Denominator =
◦AND: Initial Population
•$MDDEncounters161 =
◦Union of:
◾"Encounter, Performed: Psych Visit - Diagnostic Evaluation"
◾"Encounter, Performed: Psych Visit - Psychotherapy"
◾"Encounter, Performed: Emergency Department Visit"
◾"Encounter, Performed: Office Visit"
◾"Encounter, Performed: Outpatient Consultation"
◾"Encounter, Performed: Psychoanalysis"
◾"Encounter, Performed: Face-to-Face Interaction"
◾during "Measurement Period"
Proposed logic:
•Initial Population =
◦AND: Age>= 17 year(s) at: "Measurement Period"
◦AND: Occurrence A of $MDDEncounters161
◦AND NOT: Occurrence B of $MDDEncounters161 < 105 days ends before start of Occurrence A of $MDDEncounters161
•Denominator =
◦AND: Initial Population
•$MDDEncounters161 =
◦Union of:
◾"Encounter, Performed: Psych Visit - Diagnostic Evaluation (diagnosis: Major Depressive Disorder-Active)”
◾"Encounter, Performed: Psych Visit – Psychotherapy (diagnosis: Major Depressive Disorder-Active)”
◾"Encounter, Performed: Emergency Department Visit (diagnosis: Major Depressive Disorder-Active)”
◾"Encounter, Performed: Office Visit (diagnosis: Major Depressive Disorder-Active)”
◾"Encounter, Performed: Outpatient Consultation (diagnosis: Major Depressive Disorder-Active)”
◾"Encounter, Performed: Psychoanalysis (diagnosis: Major Depressive Disorder-Active)”
◾"Encounter, Performed: Face-to-Face Interaction (diagnosis: Major Depressive Disorder-Active)”
◾during "Measurement Period"