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uploading a cqm file causes Cypress to crashCQM-1769
Encounter code 99211 was perhaps overlooked when updating NQF 0018CQM-1767
CMS 69 looks at most recent BMI durring the measurement period, does this include BMI's taken durring an encounter type that is not included in the BMI encounter code set.CQM-1768
CMS125v4: Discrepancy Description and Criteria LogicCQM-1761
CMS-153 Denom Exclusion logic doesn't match intent of the exclusionCQM-1773
VTE Confirmed Data ElementsCQM-1778
Clarification of Unique Patient definitionCQM-1758
CMS159v4 and CMS160v4: snomed code dead not in value setCQM-1757
Transfer from Hospital System ED to Hospital EDCQM-1756
CMS73v4VTE3_ Discrepancy in Guidance and the measureCQM-1755
CMS73v4VTE3_understanding of Numerator conditionCQM-1790
CMS60v4_NQF0164_AMI7a_FibrinolyticTher\CMS60v4_validation checkCQM-1789
CQM-1788 - EH_CMS60v4_NQF0164_AMI7a_FibrinolyticTher\CMS60v4_Discrepancy in NumeratorCQM-1788
EH_CMS53v4_NQF0163_AMI8a_PrimaryPCI_Discrepancy in numeratorCQM-1044
Question concerning ‘Denominator Exception’CQM-1040
CMS127v2/NQF0043 value set 2.16.840.1.113883.3.464.1003.110.12.1027 is missing CVX code 133CQM-1785
How are population criteria assembled in v2015 eCQMsCQM-1042
CMS136 IPP and denominator clarificationCQM-1057
critical impacts dev of all CQMs and certCQM-1056
CMS 169 measure criteriaCQM-1055
CMS 131, CMS 142, CMS 167 - measure DEN criteriaCQM-1054
CMS 52: measure criteriaCQM-1052
Intent of Multiple Numerators for CMS156CQM-1049
Incorrect Numerator Count for Test Data in CMS 136CQM-1047
CMS 2 - measure clarification on denominator exclusions and numeratorCQM-1046
CMS measure 61 questions regarding first event in measure logicCQM-1045
Core Objective #17 - Secure messages MU Stage 2CQM-917
Exclusions can be active at any time in the pastCQM-918
Diagnosis criteria do not have to be active during measurementCQM-1031
NQF0371 numerator reference to "Direct Thrombin Inhibitor"CQM-1030
Population definitions for CMS124 and CMS65CQM-911
Clinical trials logic will inadvertently exclude patients with a history of participating in clinical trialsCQM-903
Unsure if we are meeting this measure for MU, as a specialty clinic we do not offerCQM-922
value set for Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV) OID: 2.16.840.1.113883.3.464.1003.196.12.1219 is missing the 120 codeCQM-1036
CMS 50: QuestionCQM-1952
To capture patient arrival time electronically we currently use the time that the patients hits our EMR from our registration system when registration of the patient has been completed. Is this acceptable to use for eCQm and Chart abstraction.CQM-1951
necessary information for building fields in EMRCQM-1975
Option 1: Keep CMS136 and CMS128 as “medication, dispensed” and change CMS126 to “medication, ordered”CQM-1976
Option 2: Change all measures to “medication, ordered”CQM-1967
VTE-1 Contraindications code set includes what would have been givenCQM-1966
How should negative observation values for ED-1 or ED-2 be handled?CQM-1414
are vcodes V65.3 and V65.41 accepted for NQF 0024CQM-994
Questions regarding measure versions of CMS140 v1 versus v2CQM-993
Are refusal reasons required for NQF0375 instructions?CQM-1429
fallout for no transmittal of care- how do we remedy this if patient moves out of county, out of state?CQM-988
When will the MU eCQM and the PQRS measure definitions for NQF 0068 be harmonized, and in particular, both offer either a 2nd numerator or other exclusion for ASA / antiplatelet drug contraindicatedCQM-1415
Stage 2 Core 12 Preventive Care (Patient Reminders) - encounter criteriaCQM-1419
Stage 2 Core #15CQM-1487
Need clarification on Denominator conditionCQM-986
Discharge medication Exception - can not be configured
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