Resolution: Answered
Peter Basch
I am trying to improve performance on NQF 0068 as part of our Million Hearts program. NQF 0068 via PQRS appears to have a numerator exclusion (sort of) by listing two numerators, ASA or antiplatelet agent used OR ASA or antiplatelet agent not used - which implies that capturing a reason that ASA or antiplatelet is not being used - could allow me to push docs closer to 100%. However, the MU eCQM measure definition has no such 2nd numerator / numerator exclusion. My EHR vendor supplies us only with the MU defined measure (meaning no 2nd numerator). This means when I get an exceptions list per doctor, I have trouble pushing them to do better - particularly when they can respond with something such as "I have already recorded ASA and antiplatelet intolerance / contraindication - are you pushing me to inappropriately prescribe ASA?" The difference in measure definition makes it difficult to leverage reports for QI.