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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-1487

Need clarification on Denominator condition


    • Icon: EH/CAH eCQMs - Eligible Hospitals/Critical Access Hospitals EH/CAH eCQMs - Eligible Hospitals/Critical Access Hospitals
    • Resolution: Resolved
    • Icon: Minor Minor
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    • Sandeep Kaur
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      In CMS105v3 the AND NOT statement to which you refer should be considered as “AND NOT (A or B)=A or B.” In other words, the AND NOT should validate to true for patients who have a lipid lowering agent that ends before the start of either the ED visit to inpatient encounter or the direct admit encounter.

      Please note that due to changes in clinical guidelines related to statin therapy, this AND NOT denominator logic will be removed in the 2015 annual updates to STK-6.
      In CMS105v3 the AND NOT statement to which you refer should be considered as “AND NOT (A or B)=A or B.” In other words, the AND NOT should validate to true for patients who have a lipid lowering agent that ends before the start of either the ED visit to inpatient encounter or the direct admit encounter. Please note that due to changes in clinical guidelines related to statin therapy, this AND NOT denominator logic will be removed in the 2015 annual updates to STK-6.
    • CMS105v3/NQF439
    • High

      This is wrt Stroke 6 measure

      Denominator states"
      AND NOT: "Occurrence A of Medication, Active: Lipid-lowering Agent" ends before start of
      OR: "Occurrence A of Encounter, Performed: Emergency Department Visit" <= 1 hour(s) ends before start of "Occurrence A of Encounter, Performed: Non-Elective Inpatient Encounter"
      OR: "Occurrence A of Encounter, Performed: Non-Elective Inpatient Encounter"
      AND: "Occurrence A of Medication, Active: Lipid-lowering Agent" starts before or during
      OR: "Occurrence A of Encounter, Performed: Emergency Department Visit"
      OR: "Occurrence A of Encounter, Performed: Non-Elective Inpatient Encounter"

      Here AND NOT has two OR conditions which would be considered as AND as per AND NOT logic .example AND NOT(A or B)= A and B

      but if we consider the above conditions as per AND NOT logic then the validation becomes incorrect ie Medication Lipid lowering agent ends after start of Emergency department AND ends after start of Non elective Encounter Inpatient.So as per this logic only patient though Emergency department to Non elective Encounter Inpatient would be validated for this condition .Patient coming directly through Non elective Encounter Inpatient would not be validated for the above condition.

      Kindly suggest how we need to consider above OR conditions defined in AND NOT ie whether we need to consider it as AND NOT (A or B)=A AND B or AND NOT (A or B)=A or B.

            JLeflore Joelencia Leflore
            sandeepk3 Sandeep Kaur (Inactive)
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