Found on - An Introduction to the Medicare EHR Incentive
Program for Eligible Professionals @ cms.gov/EHRIncentivePrograms
Clinical quality measures do not have thresholds that you
have to meet—you simply have to report data
on them.
You don’t have to do any calculations for the clinical
quality measures! Your certified EHR will produce a report
with clinical quality measure data, and you
must enter that data exactly as your certified EHR
produced it.
Found on - An Introduction to the Medicare EHR Incentive
Program for Eligible Professionals @ cms.gov/EHRIncentivePrograms
Clinical quality measures do not have thresholds that you
have to meet—you simply have to report data
on them.
You don’t have to do any calculations for the clinical
quality measures! Your certified EHR will produce a report
with clinical quality measure data, and you
must enter that data exactly as your certified EHR
produced it.