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VTE1, 2, and 6 Data Criteria sections contain multiple entries for the same element/valuesetCQM-1068
Total score may not match the sum of patients in each stratum.CQM-1214
Medication Dischage not done as well as Medication Order not done. Why both?CQM-1217
Need understanding for Denominator in CMS178CQM-1218
Need understanding for Denominator exclusion in CMS178CQM-1219
Need understanding of Denominator exclusion for CMS172CQM-1220
Need understanding for Numerator in CMS171CQM-1861
CMS-65 Date Range definitions doesn't qualify some patients to numeratorCQM-420
Denominator Exclusion "Reason for NotCQM-1868
Minimum date information required to satisfy cancer screening measuresCQM-463
PN6 denominator 2 exclusions missing check for 2 ed encounters within 24 hours that appears in denominator 1 exclusionsCQM-466
SCIP Inf 1 - Denominator exclusions for Other Surgeries day window calculations incorrectCQM-447
PN6 Denominator Exclusion for Length of Stay < 24 hours is badly writtenCQM-437
PN6 Denominator1 logic flaw in check for CT for a patient with direct admission to ICUCQM-438
PN6 Numerator1 logic flaw in check for regimen 1b on patients admitted to NON-ICU then transfered to ICUCQM-439
ED3 Valueset for Mental Disorders differs from valueset used in ED1 and ED2CQM-440
PN6 denominator exclusion for "Occurrence A of Encounter, Performed: Encounter Inpatient"CQM-1865
Mathematica 2016 EH Measure Package Posting for Vendor FeedbackCQM-1866
Mathematica 2016 EP Measure Package Posting for Vendor FeedbackCQM-1867
Compliance Rate with Stroke 5 does not reflect practice and medical record documentationCQM-1862
Interpretation of eCQM90v5CQM-452
PN6 Perpetuation of redundant antibiotic regimen?CQM-456
PN6 Check for Active Diagnosis of Presumptive Pneumonia in Non-ICU location Logic unclearCQM-457
SCIP Inf-1, Population 7 Error in Demoninator Exclusion.CQM-469
Confirmance on Value Set related to "Intervention, Performed not done: Medical Reason" for Tobacco Use Cessation CounselingCQM-486
Stroke 5: Denominator exclusion for length of stay should be < 2 days not <= 2 daysCQM-490
SCIP-Inf-9 Denominator Exclusion Clarification Requested for Urinary DiversionCQM-476
SCIP-INF-2 Denominator Exclusions 7 is missing 'Hospital Measures - Principal' after ordinality when checking for Infection DiagnosisCQM-1872
Rationale behind the change in data element and measure logicCQM-569
Dental Decay (CMS 75): update age limit from "<=20" to "<20"CQM-572
Appropriate Treatment for Children with URI: Is each episode counted in the denominator?CQM-574
Alternative PC05-a MeasureCQM-579
CMS100v2/NQF0142 AMI2 Clinical trial logic differs slightly from other AMI measuresCQM-1592
CMS52 not marked as EHR reportableCQM-1589
CMS-164 does not consider anti-coagulants as antithromboticsCQM-1590
CMS114 is including patients with a secondary diagnosis of VTE POA in the denominatorCQM-1596
Requesting Plavix be included in the eMeasure 71 Value SetCQM-1595
CQM CMS77v2 and CMS 77v3 IPP and DENCQM-1584
CMS125v3 Breast Cancer Screening may have eCQM HQMF logic inconsistent with measure intentCQM-1582
Heparin flush doses for IV patency should not be included in eMeasure 109 Value SetCQM-2211
CMS 127 Pneumo cvx codes to be added - 109 & 152CQM-2210
CMS 147 Influenza cvx code 151CQM-2164
Antibiotics not included in measure set causing error in transmissionCQM-2166
STK-3 v5 is written as patients w/ "principle diagnosis of ischemic stroke, history of atrial ablation, and current or history of atrial fibrillation/flutter. For 2015 specs do patients need to have stroke AND history of atrial ablation AND atrial fib?CQM-2162
Clarify satisfaction when a patient satisfies both numerator and optional exclusion criteriaCQM-2160
where to capture medical reason and or patient refusal for AMI eMeasure 53 since the value sets were removed. and definition of PCI is balloon time, correctCQM-2172
Find a way to include ICU Admissions/Transfers in the "inpatient" populationsCQM-2238
CMS136: NumeratorCQM-2236
We are a EHR vendor and we a large amount of clients that submit PQRS, Meaningful Use, eCQM's and QRDA files. We are inquiring an update in our versioning depending on the correct version of submission.CQM-2182
CMS 31 - question about diagnosis attribute in IPP
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