EH/CAH eCQMs - Eligible Hospitals/Critical Access Hospitals
Resolution: Resolved
Diana Girard-Simone
West Hills Hospital Medical Center
clafification needed once I get clarification I can meet with out analytics people as they to ensure we have a spot in the EHR to capture the data elements
failure to meet AMI 53 measure when care was appropriate
1. Definition of PCI time is the time of balloon/stent/or other device used to open the artery, correct?
Denominator and Numerator element guidance:
For the denominator and numerator data element "Occurrence A of Procedure, Performed: PCI" and time of start, EHR implementations will need to develop mechanisms to capture the time the balloon was inflated, the time the stent was deployed, or the time a thrombectomy device was used to treat the lesion, whichever is earliest.
2. Reason for delay – I see that the ‘medical reason’ and ‘patient refusal’ have been removed per the Technical Release Notes, but we can still use those reasons correct? In the Guidance section it states:
Exception element guidance:
Medical or patient reasons for not performing a procedure or giving a medication are categories for valid medical or patient reasons that are not specifically listed in the exclusion section of the measure. Each is expected to be captured and made available for measurement or clinical decision support within the EHR workflow but the exact method or location of capture is a local or vendor decision.