Resolution: Done
Debbie Mobley
Need to verify we can report this measure.
I originally submitted this to QualityNet but their response was that I should submit this question here.
For our 2015 PQRS program implementation, I reviewed the Meaningful Use measures against this list: 2015 PQRS Measure List (http://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Quality-Initiatives-Patient-Assessment-Instruments/PQRS/Downloads/PQRS_2015_Measure-List_111014.zip).
PQRS 160 (CMS52) "Percentage of patients aged 6 weeks and older with a diagnosis of HIV/AIDS who were prescribed Pneumocystis Jiroveci Pneumonia (PCP) prophylaxis" is not marked as an EHR reportable measure. This measure is part of the Meaningful Use Stage 2 program and all of the other MU measures are EHR reportable. Is this an error in the document?