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CMS64v4_FLDLRSCa_Risk-Stratified Cholesterol Fasting LDL-c_Interpretation of conditionCQM-1654
CMS64v4_FLDLRSCa_discrepancy in Denominator and logic guidanceCQM-1652
Questioning a wording change in the Denominator Exclusion for CMS 2v5.CQM-1645
CMS55 Clarification around Discharge Date/Time versus Physically Leaves Date/TimeCQM-1641
Number of values have decreased in Aspirin Allergen RXNORM Value Set for CMS100CQM-1644
Is it sufficient to support the value set for 'Moderate or severe LVSD' or is it required to support 'Diagnosis, Active: Left ventricular systolic dysfunction' value set also and include a provision to identify the severity of the diagnosisCQM-890
Within emeasure 131 ‘Physical Exam’ (i.e. retinal exam) is supported by a SNOMED value set. All the codes within the value set are procedures. What is the rationale for identifying the procedures as physical examsCQM-1370
CMS122v3: Diabetes_Adult_ACQM-878
CMS61 under the denominator description references to subtract 1 from risk count when HDL-C is >= 60 but he logic does not specify in the count criteriaCQM-1683
CMS140v3_NQF0387_BrCA_HormonalTherapy_Discrepancy in IPPCQM-1684
CMS178v5_NQF0453_SCIPInf9_UrinaryCathRemoved_OID is not mentionedCQM-1685
MU2 EP:CMS128:Need clarification on Numerator conditionCQM-1672
No structured, coded positive results for Chest X-rays and microbiologyCQM-1670
Logic issue with HDL measurement CMS64v4CQM-1665
Clarify Intent of "Request of Physician" for Vancomycin in CQM-172CQM-1663
athena is requesting ONC to review logic of CMS 182v4 regarding Numerator satisfaction.CQM-1662
CMS90v4_Functional Status Assessment for Complex Chronic ConditionsCQM-1661
Can we accept nursing documentation under a facility approved foley removal protocol for eCQM/MU?CQM-1660
Need understanding of Medication, Active use in SCIP-INF-2 (NQF 0528, CMS172 v4)CQM-1350
What is occurrence A and occurrence B in this case? Does it mean recording pulse two times in the same visit since it says "Occurrence A of PE finding before start of occurrence A & Occurrence B of PE finding before start of occurrence A"?CQM-824
Diabetes Diagnosis Logic issues?CQM-825
Incorrect sign on deltaBPCQM-826
Why are dental codes used to identify encounters for the adult BMI measure?CQM-829
NUM criteriaCQM-831
The QRDA-3 file we are submitting is showing errors on demographics but looks correctCQM-1718
CMS114v4_NQFXXXX_VTE6_Understanding for First OccurenceCQM-6285
GMCS, CMS986v2 redundant logic for 'Measure Observation' for Population 1 and 2CQM-1719
SCIP178v4 Exclusion QuestionCQM-1727
CMS153v3: Denominator Exclusion CriteriaCQM-1725
CMS136:Need understanding on overlap data considerationCQM-1726
CMS136:Need understanding for multiple medication active on same day scenario considerationCQM-1724
CMS136:Need clarification on Initial Population criteria 2CQM-1722
CMS136:Need clarification on Denominator Exclusion conditionCQM-1723
CMS136:Required validation of Medication, Dispensed: ADHD Medications EnddateCQM-1717
2016 CQM VersionsCQM-1734
CMS160v4 spec: Considering a 12 month measurement period for IPP1, IPP2 & IPP3, it appears that the month of August will be left outCQM-1731
CMS136v4: IPP 1 ClarificationCQM-1694
CMS188V5 (PN-6) contains several incorrect value-set display names in the HQMF fileCQM-1692
Data collection issue for "Primary" PCI for CMS53v4CQM-1690
Value Set for Route is missing from HQMF for CMS188v5CQM-1691
Clarification regarding PC-05aCQM-1693
Criteria for CMS 110 (VTE-5) VTE Warfarin Discharge InstructionCQM-1681
Clarification on CMS60v4 Multiple Results for ECGCQM-1643
Stage 2 Core Objective 2: e-Prescribing (eRx) measure? We need clarificationCQM-1675
Diagnosis condition not mapped to any visit in episode level measureCQM-1676
Clarification on CMS60v4 Denominator Implementation of Occurance A of FibrinCQM-1674
Understanding logic of diagnosis active during reporting periodCQM-1697
Possible addition of Heparin Dosage to RX Norm Data ElementsCQM-1771
VTE 2 Heparin RXNorm
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