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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-1644



    • Icon: EC eCQMs - Eligible Clinicians EC eCQMs - Eligible Clinicians
    • Resolution: Answered
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • Measure
    • None
    • Michelle
    • Citiustech
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      Thank you for your question. The clinical staging procedure is occurrenced meaning all of the results must meet the requirements outlined for occurrence A of clinical staging procedure. Your assertion is correct that the timing for the denominator, aka the validation, is that occurrence A of clinical staging procedure with a result of Breast Distance Metastasis Status M0 should start before or during the occurrence A of the office visit or the occurrence A of the face-to-face interaction. However, occurrence A of clinical staging procedure should not start before the start of occurrence A of breast cancer diagnosis as shown in the denominator logic below:
      o AND:
       - AND: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Result: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Distant Metastasis Status M0')" starts before or during
       o OR: "Occurrence A of Encounter, Performed: Office Visit"
       o OR: "Occurrence A of Encounter, Performed: Face-to-Face Interaction"
       -AND NOT: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Result: Clinical Staging Procedure" starts before start of "Occurrence A of Diagnosis, Active: Breast Cancer
      Thank you for your question. The clinical staging procedure is occurrenced meaning all of the results must meet the requirements outlined for occurrence A of clinical staging procedure. Your assertion is correct that the timing for the denominator, aka the validation, is that occurrence A of clinical staging procedure with a result of Breast Distance Metastasis Status M0 should start before or during the occurrence A of the office visit or the occurrence A of the face-to-face interaction. However, occurrence A of clinical staging procedure should not start before the start of occurrence A of breast cancer diagnosis as shown in the denominator logic below: o AND:  - AND: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Result: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Distant Metastasis Status M0')" starts before or during  o OR: "Occurrence A of Encounter, Performed: Office Visit"  o OR: "Occurrence A of Encounter, Performed: Face-to-Face Interaction"  -AND NOT: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Result: Clinical Staging Procedure" starts before start of "Occurrence A of Diagnosis, Active: Breast Cancer  
    • CMS140v3/NQF0387
    • High

      There is no validation mentioned for the below condition in the Denominator section

      OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Result: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Regional Lymph Node Status N3')"
      OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Result: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Primary Tumor Size T0')"
      OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Result: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Primary Tumor Size T1')"
      OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Result: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Primary Tumor Size T1a')"
      OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Result: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Primary Tumor Size T1b')"
      OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Result: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Primary Tumor Size T1c')"
      OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Result: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Primary Tumor Size T1mi')"
      OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Result: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Regional Lymph Node Status N1')"
      OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Result: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Regional Lymph Node Status pN1a')"
      OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Result: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Regional Lymph Node Status pN1b')"
      OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Result: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Regional Lymph Node Status pN1c')"
      OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Result: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Regional Lymph Node Status pN1mi')"
      OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Result: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Regional Lymph Node Status N2')"
      OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Result: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Primary Tumor Size T2')"
      OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Result: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Primary Tumor Size T3')"
      OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Result: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Primary Tumor Size T4')"
      OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Result: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Regional Lymph Node Status N0')"
      OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Result: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Regional Lymph Node Status N1')"
      OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Result: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Regional Lymph Node Status N2')"
      AND: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Result: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Primary Tumor Size T1c')"
      AND: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Result: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Cancer Regional Lymph Node Status N0')"

      Should we consider the valiation based on the condition as
      "AND: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Result: Clinical Staging Procedure (result: 'Breast Distant Metastasis Status M0')" starts before or during

      OR: "Occurrence A of Encounter, Performed: Office Visit"
      OR: "Occurrence A of Encounter, Performed: Face-to-Face Interaction"

            edave Mathematica EC eCQM Team
            michellen michelle (Inactive)
            Pranjali Kamat (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
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