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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-1697

Possible addition of Heparin Dosage to RX Norm Data Elements


    • Icon: EH/CAH eCQMs - Eligible Hospitals/Critical Access Hospitals EH/CAH eCQMs - Eligible Hospitals/Critical Access Hospitals
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • Measure, ValueSet
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      RxNorm codes indicate the *strength* i.e., the amount of drug in a “unit” of product, rather than the actual dose administered to the patient. For example, Aspirin 500 mg Oral Tablet has a 500mg strength, however the patient can be administered 2 tablets, which would make the dose 1000 mg. In the case of injectable solutions, such as heparin, RxNorm provides the concentration of the solution. For the unfractionated heparin value set, 25000 units in a 500 ML bag would equate to a concentration of 50 UNT/ML. The current value set includes such a concentration (RxNorm code 1361613 | heparin sodium, porcine 50 UNT/ML), and it is appropriate to map any medication with such a concentration, regardless of the total number of units given (dosing), to this code.

      Since the release of the 2015 Annual Update, RxNorm was revised to retire some heparin codes (including code 136613) and replace them with codes which include heparin concentration as well as volume (e.g. RxNorm code 1659195 | 500 ML heparin sodium, porcine 50 UNT/ML). We plan to revise the unfractionated heparin value set accordingly, and we anticipate these changes will make mapping from your local system to RxNorm more straightforward.
      RxNorm codes indicate the *strength* i.e., the amount of drug in a “unit” of product, rather than the actual dose administered to the patient. For example, Aspirin 500 mg Oral Tablet has a 500mg strength, however the patient can be administered 2 tablets, which would make the dose 1000 mg. In the case of injectable solutions, such as heparin, RxNorm provides the concentration of the solution. For the unfractionated heparin value set, 25000 units in a 500 ML bag would equate to a concentration of 50 UNT/ML. The current value set includes such a concentration (RxNorm code 1361613 | heparin sodium, porcine 50 UNT/ML), and it is appropriate to map any medication with such a concentration, regardless of the total number of units given (dosing), to this code. Since the release of the 2015 Annual Update, RxNorm was revised to retire some heparin codes (including code 136613) and replace them with codes which include heparin concentration as well as volume (e.g. RxNorm code 1659195 | 500 ML heparin sodium, porcine 50 UNT/ML). We plan to revise the unfractionated heparin value set accordingly, and we anticipate these changes will make mapping from your local system to RxNorm more straightforward.
    • CMS109v4/NQFna

      DETAILS AS REQUESTED: Wtihin the VTE-4->Medication, Administered: Unfractionate Heparin-> RX Norm: 2.16.840.1.113883. (version 20140401), I have reviewed the EIGHT Data Value Sets for Heparin/dosages. I've found that 'Heparin sodium, porcine 25000 UNT/ML injectable Solution' is not listed. we are a HUGE University Teaching facility and typically use 25,000 unitls of Heparin dosing. I am requesting that this dosage be ADDED to the RX Norm Data Elements to 'move the meter' on our eCQM success rate please. TX much!

            JLeflore Joelencia Leflore
            JLeflore Joelencia Leflore
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