Implementation Problem
Resolution: Done
Barbara Katzenberg
617 783 7964
Intended workflow for positive results
Cannot capture some exclusions from EHR data as specified
This measure ( CM188 V5) contains a number of exclusion criteria which expect results to be coded as "positive" or "normal." Our clients' data for microbiology does not come back as "positive" for a culture. A typical culture will come back with multiple results with descriptive text values. Positive is an interpretation that a clinician might make separately but would not be part of the microbiology results. Similarly, we do not see "normal" coming back discretely from the narrative sent by radiologists. The clinician upon receiving the result can review the result and interpret it as normal. Given these workflows there is a separation between what can be acquired from the result itself and the documentation a clinician might do upon receiving the result. We do not see a way to capture "positive" or "normal" directly from the result. What is the intended workflow for capturing these exclusions?