In the Denominator block of CMS60v4, the ANDed lines referencing "Occurrence A of Diagnostic Study, Performed: Electrocardiogram (ECG)" specify "result: Acute or Evolving MI" AND NOT "result: STEMI Exclusions".
- AND: "Occurrence A of Diagnostic Study, Performed: Electrocardiogram (ECG) (result: Acute or Evolving MI)"
- AND NOT: "Occurrence A of Diagnostic Study, Performed: Electrocardiogram (ECG) (result: STEMI Exclusions)"
Given that a single Diagnostic Study template in QRDA can only have one result (SHOULD contain zero or one (0..1) @value) and there are no codes that are shared between the referenced value sets, how should we interpret the logic for implementation?
For clarification, here are the possible interpretations I see:
- The Occurrence A scope definition is intended to include the result value so that the 2 statements are treated as separate occurrences (e.g. Any occurrence of ECG (result: Acute or Evolving MI) AND NOT any occurrence of ECG (result: STEMI Exclusion).
- The QRDA entries are intended to be linked via a common <id/@root> identifier to provide for multiple result values for a single ECG test
- The AND NOT statement is superfluous since QRDA only allows for a single result per <entry> and consequently an ECG with result: Acute or Evolving MI cannot also have a result: STEMI Exclusion
This question was previously asked and unanswered in CQM-1243