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variable questionQDM-131
satisfies any construct questionQDM-96
Temporal operators and null valuesQDM-95
Clarity on specific occurrencesQDM-93
Clarify behavior of timing relationships with thresholdsQDM-83
Add "divide by" operatorQDM-82
Add functionality to enable day-based calculationQDM-86
"satisfies all"QDM-68
Consider adding support for additional relationships to the QDMQDM-69
Review Relationship Operators Supported in MAT for ApplicabilityQDM-100
Reference date/times for use in timing relationshipsQDM-75
QDM definition and implementation of "starts before or during" and "ends before or during" operatorsQDM-74
Clarification on the meaning of "starts during" operatorQDM-60
eMeasure spec standards do not provide a method of representing goal setting or goal achievementQDM-62
eMeasure specification standards do not provide a method for representing the variables that must be reported for risk adjustment.QDM-141
Update examples in appendix B.2 to specify timing relationshipsQDM-29
Code Set for CMS Measure: Closing the referral loop: receipt of specialist reportQDM-33
Unable to determine if events are correlatedQDM-32
Provide additional guidance for application of "during" operatorQDM-28
The addition of an "IS A" operator to help support stratificationsQDM-43
Add ECWS and SCWE timing relationshipsQDM-42
Replace SBOD/EBOD with SBE/EBEQDM-22
Restore existing timing and subset operatorsQDM-11
Introduce parameterized definition syntaxQDM-7
Add "Index(n)" subset operatorQDM-6
Add "Count Unique" subset operatorQDM-9
Introduce general set operationsQDM-3
Add "Initiates" and "Terminates" timing operatorsQDM-2
Add "Within" timing operatorQDM-5
Add "Count True" subset operatorQDM-44
Ensure QDM Function Compatibility with HQMF R2.1QDM-13
Add constant values for calendar monthsQDM-139
Calculation of a measure utilizing the 'FIRST' sub operator and the 'COUNT' functionQDM-154
Using the Functions or Operators to Express Unique Items in a ListQDM-145
Need definition of "event code" as described in eCQM Measure Logic Guidance for 2014, 2015, and 2016QDM-118
Logic assistanceQDM-117
URGENT: Request for guidance on timing operator logic - CQM 125v3 and v2 - Breast Cancer screening -QDM-52
QDM Date Attributes Should Be Used With Correct Corresponding Timing RelationshipsQDM-157
what values are needed for CMS submission program nameQDM-73
Loss of expressivity with MAT updateQDM-166
Clarification on "Age At" operatorQDM-224
Overlaps Requires End DatesQDM-111
Clarification needed for order of operations in statements with temporal and comparison operatorsQDM-49
Enhance the relationships within the eMeasure specification standards to enable linking of two data elements based on one of their components (patient ID, referral number, etc.)QDM-127
QDM + CQL: Remove QDM LogicQDM-70
Support for Operators Not Expressible in HQMF R2.1QDM-182
Need a way to express Fulfills in CQLQDM-18
Add operator to measure relative event spacingQDM-17
Add "starts after or concurrent" temporal operator
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