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  1. QDM Issue Tracker
  2. QDM-141

Update examples in appendix B.2 to specify timing relationships


    • Icon: Guidance Guidance
    • Resolution: Answered
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • Operator Logic
    • Minor as the precision granularity addressed in the example is likely to be rare.

      Linked to CQM-1761, regarding Measure CMS-153 relating timing attributes. QDM for this particular example would be:

      Minutes is used first to determine that the relationship (starts after end) is true,
      And then the delta is calculated in the given unit (days) to see if the comparison is true.

      If this is in-fact the intent of QDM, the spec needs to be updated to be more explicit. The spec does not make assertions, or show any examples, where an unstated time unit of measurement is used for the relationship comparison and the stated date unit is used to calcuate the duration comparison. However, the fourth example does specifically state that the unit specified is intended for the calculation of “duration" between the two date/time stamps.

            FEisenberg Floyd Eisenberg
            FEisenberg Floyd Eisenberg
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