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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-349

Interpretation of the Clinical Quality measures during a 90-day report period. a) Is the “measurement period” equal to the “reporting period”? Are we measuring for a year but only reporting 90 days, or measuring and reporting for 90 days?


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    • Shirley Neal
    • 919.329.1614
    • Allscripts
    • Yes
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      This subject deserves clarification in the Implementation Guide, since it arose in Stage 1 as well in the popHealth context.
      The provider should apply the measures as written to patients who were seen during the 90 day reporting period. This will result in measures that do not perform correctly; however for the purpose of attestation there is no negative impact.
      This subject deserves clarification in the Implementation Guide, since it arose in Stage 1 as well in the popHealth context. The provider should apply the measures as written to patients who were seen during the 90 day reporting period. This will result in measures that do not perform correctly; however for the purpose of attestation there is no negative impact.

      There has been much discussion about the interpretation of the Clinical Quality measures during a 90-day report period.
      a) Is the “measurement period” equal to the “reporting period”? Are we measuring for a year but only reporting 90 days, or measuring and reporting for 90 days?
      b) For patients to meet the population criteria for measure calculation (i.e., age and diagnosis, etc.) it requires continuous adjustment in the logic in order arrive at an accurate total that reflects “start after start of measurement period” in the logic of the measure. What is the expected approach to accurately calculate the population for measures such as 0018 given the 90 day reporting period. (See insert below.)

      For instance, NQF 0018 (Controlling High Blood Pressure) has as initial patient population criteria

      Initial Patient Population =
      • AND: "Patient Characteristic Birthdate: birth date" >= 18 year(s) starts before start of "Measurement Period"
      • AND: "Patient Characteristic Birthdate: birth date" <= 85 year(s) starts before start of "Measurement Period"
      • AND:
      o OR: "Diagnosis, Active: Essential Hypertension" <= 6 month(s) starts after start of "Measurement Period"
      o OR: "Diagnosis, Active: Essential Hypertension" starts before start of "Measurement Period"

            emyers Elisabeth Myers
            allscripts Shirley Neal (Inactive)
            Deborah Krauss (Inactive), Kimberly Schwartz (Inactive), Minet Javellana (Inactive)
            4 Vote for this issue
            17 Start watching this issue

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