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  2. CQM-6951

CMS1028v2 - Blood Transfusion day of Hospitalization


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      Thank you for your question about CMS1028/PC-07 Severe Obstetric Complications.

      In the scenario where a delivery takes place in Facility A (ex. 5/8/2024 0800), then the patient is transferred to a Facility B (same day 5/8) and a blood transfusion is performed in Facility B (5/8 11:00). Since both Facilities share EHR system, the blood transfusion documentation will satisfy the 'Delivery Encounters with Blood Transfusion' definition due to the transfusion occurring on the same day as the first encounter.
      Thank you for your question about CMS1028/PC-07 Severe Obstetric Complications. In the scenario where a delivery takes place in Facility A (ex. 5/8/2024 0800), then the patient is transferred to a Facility B (same day 5/8) and a blood transfusion is performed in Facility B (5/8 11:00). Since both Facilities share EHR system, the blood transfusion documentation will satisfy the 'Delivery Encounters with Blood Transfusion' definition due to the transfusion occurring on the same day as the first encounter.
    • CMS1028v2

      These previous Jiras provide additional details about the use of 'day of' in PC-07 blood transfusion logic, 'The language 'Day of' was added last year to allow for blood transfusion procedures that have only a date and no time'

      The use of 'day of' in the CQL allows the qualification of 'blood transfusion' performed before or after the 'HospitalizationWithEDOBTriageObservation' start/end times when the transfusion is done on the first or last day of the Hospitalization. In a scenario where a delivery takes place in Facility A (ex. 5/8/2024 0800), the patient is transferred to a Facility B (same day 5/8), blood transfusion is performed in Facility B (5/8 11:00). Both Facilities share EHR systems, the blood transfusion documentation satisfy the 'Delivery Encounters with Blood Transfusion' definition by timing.

      A similar question was asked about the VTE measures and different episode of care https://oncprojectracking.healthit.gov/support/browse/CQM-6814 Does similar guidance apply for PC-07

      Guidance provided for the VTE scenario: If there are 2 separate Episode Of Care(EOC) from 2 different Health Care Organizations (HCOs), "ONLY when the VTE prophylaxis info from hospital A was able to pull into hospital B[’s] data submission file” as VTE prophylaxis; and the medication was given on the same day of second (2nd) hospitalization; on the arrival date.


      Your guidance is appreciated.


            JLeflore Mathematica EH eCQM Team
            isbelia Isbelia Briceno
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