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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-6692

CMS138v11 Patient should not be in numerator 2 and 3


    • Icon: Other Other
    • Resolution: Answered
    • Icon: Moderate Moderate
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    • CMS0138v11
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      Blair, Dwight is in Numerator 1,2 and 3.
      Numerator 1: Tobacco User" - VALID
      Numerator 2 : exists "Tobacco Cessation Pharmacotherapy Ordered" ( where CessationPharmacotherapyOrdered.authorDatetime during day of Interval[start of "Measurement Period" - 6 months,
        end of "Measurement Period"]) VALID
      Numerator 3 : exists "Tobacco Cessation Pharmacotherapy Ordered" VALID

      Would you please help to understand:
      What indicators are not valid to meet criteria for Numerator 2 and 3?

      Thank you
      Blair, Dwight is in Numerator 1,2 and 3. Numerator 1: Tobacco User" - VALID Numerator 2 : exists "Tobacco Cessation Pharmacotherapy Ordered" ( where CessationPharmacotherapyOrdered.authorDatetime during day of Interval[start of "Measurement Period" - 6 months,   end of "Measurement Period"]) VALID Numerator 3 : exists "Tobacco Cessation Pharmacotherapy Ordered" VALID Would you please help to understand: What indicators are not valid to meet criteria for Numerator 2 and 3? Thank you

        1. Dwight Blair.png
          264 kB
          Jelena Nahaja

            edave Mathematica EC eCQM Team
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