Blair, Dwight is in Numerator 1,2 and 3.
Numerator 1: Tobacco User" - VALID
Numerator 2 : exists "Tobacco Cessation Pharmacotherapy Ordered" ( where CessationPharmacotherapyOrdered.authorDatetime during day of Interval[start of "Measurement Period" - 6 months,
end of "Measurement Period"]) VALID
Numerator 3 : exists "Tobacco Cessation Pharmacotherapy Ordered" VALID
Would you please help to understand:
What indicators are not valid to meet criteria for Numerator 2 and 3?
Thank you
Blair, Dwight is in Numerator 1,2 and 3.
Numerator 1: Tobacco User" - VALID
Numerator 2 : exists "Tobacco Cessation Pharmacotherapy Ordered" ( where CessationPharmacotherapyOrdered.authorDatetime during day of Interval[start of "Measurement Period" - 6 months,
end of "Measurement Period"]) VALID
Numerator 3 : exists "Tobacco Cessation Pharmacotherapy Ordered" VALID
Would you please help to understand:
What indicators are not valid to meet criteria for Numerator 2 and 3?
Thank you