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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-6403

PCM PC-01, PC-02, PC-07 and PCB PC-05 and PC-06


    • Icon: EH/CAH eCQMs EH/CAH eCQMs
    • Resolution: Answered
    • Icon: Moderate Moderate
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    • Rachel Kau
    • Fort Healthcare
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      Thank you for your submission. Noting this is a duplicate to [CQM-6404] (linked below). Please refer to the original ticket. Please create a new issue for any new or additional questions that are unrelated to the original thread.

      Thank you for your submission. Noting this is a duplicate to [ CQM-6404 ] (linked below). Please refer to the original ticket. Please create a new issue for any new or additional questions that are unrelated to the original thread. https://oncprojectracking.healthit.gov/support/browse/CQM-6404
    • CMS0108v11
    • IPP ?


      If a mom delivers at home and then comes in after delivering for care to the hospital my understanding is that they would not be included in the IPP/Population for PC Mom measures PC-01, PC-02, PC-07 since they did not deliver at the hospital, is that correct? Or would they be included, but excluded? Please clarify.  Right now the report reads not in IPP Denominator Net Met, which makes sense I just want to confirm. 

      I know this is not listed as an exclusion, but just want to clarify. 

      In addition, for IPP for PC Mom and PC Baby eCQMs I would anticipate the IPP to generally match all moms that deliver in the hospital and babies born in the hospital, but then that number is narrowed down if they met numerator and/or denominator criteria; is my understanding correct?  I have seen most mom's on our PC Mom (PC-01, PC-02, and PC07) IPP report once we figured out date and time of EGA.  But I am still not seeing all babies in the IPP population, yet we are still working through matching registration and inpatient time for babies in workflow. Pleae let me know any other thoughs on this. 

      Thank you,
      Rachel Kau

            JLeflore Mathematica EH eCQM Team
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