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  2. CQM-4357

ONC 2020 Manual C1 data criteria concers


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      ​Thank you for your question. Based on the information provided, your question is related to the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) Certification and Testing. For assistance with inquiries regarding ONC, please contact the following email address: onc.certification@hhs.gov
      ​Thank you for your question. Based on the information provided, your question is related to the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) Certification and Testing. For assistance with inquiries regarding ONC, please contact the following email address: onc.certification@hhs.gov
    • EP
    • CMS125v8/NQFna
    • It will affect manual C1 calculation,if we did not consider this .So its important to get solution for this.

      For C1 Manual data criteria ,below are some questions,as didn't get significance and guidance for this : 


      CMS125v8 PatientCharacteristicBirthdate Birthdate   21112-8


      What is expected here from certification perspective,Please provide guidance.Why Code is provided?


      CMS125v8 Procedure, Performed Unilateral Mastectomy 2.16.840.1.113883.3.464.1003.198.12.1020 172043006 relevantPeriod
      CMS125v8 Symptom Frailty Symptom 2.16.840.1.113883.3.464.1003.113.12.1075 102492002 prevalencePeriod

      Here input need to provide in RecordedResult field,but What is significance of this field?Are we using this field anywhere in QRDA-I XML file?



      CmsNo DataCriteria ValueSet ValueSetoid Code RequiredAttributes  RecordedResult

      CMS125v8 Device, Applied Frailty Device 2.16.840.1.113883.3.464.1003.118.12.1300 E0100 authorDatetime 2020-02-01


       Here , Do we need to consider Low and HighDate as same ,only date format or Datetime need to add?

                  Do we need to consider only LowDate ,only date format or Datetime need to add?

      Are we using this field anywhere in QRDA-I XML file?


      Please explain with example,we have stuck here.

      Note :  CMS125.: Provided example reference from Cypress test data for understanding purpose.




            edave Mathematica EC eCQM Team
            priyankas@figmd Priyanka R Sawant (Inactive)
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