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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-342

Are cancelled medications considered "ordered"?


    • Icon: Intent/Governance affecting more than 1 eCQM Intent/Governance affecting more than 1 eCQM
    • Resolution: Reopen
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • Certification, Guidance
    • None
    • Aaron Roth
    • SSI Health
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      The QDM user group discussed this topic on 8/20/2014 at the monthly user group meeting. The conclusion and consensus was that "ordered" medications that were canceled were still considered to be ordered, and that would be the normative definition for the foreseeable future. If measure developers choose to create exclusions for canceled medications, they could do so. At the current time, if a measure looks for an order for a medication or procedure without excluding cancelled orders, the order still satisfies the measure criteria.
      The QDM user group discussed this topic on 8/20/2014 at the monthly user group meeting. The conclusion and consensus was that "ordered" medications that were canceled were still considered to be ordered, and that would be the normative definition for the foreseeable future. If measure developers choose to create exclusions for canceled medications, they could do so. At the current time, if a measure looks for an order for a medication or procedure without excluding cancelled orders, the order still satisfies the measure criteria.

      Many CQM numerators have requirements that a certain medication is ordered, active, or dispensed within X number of days of an encounter. In the case that a medication is ordered but then is cancelled before the prescription is filled, should we consider the medication ordered, or do we treat that medication order as though it were not ordered at all?

            balu Balu Balasubramanyam (Inactive)
            ssihealth SSI Health (Inactive)
            Cindy Cullen, Deborah Krauss (Inactive), Kevin Larsen (Inactive), Kimberly Schwartz (Inactive), Minet Javellana (Inactive), Saul Kravitz (Inactive), Terry Moore (Inactive)
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