EH/CAH eCQMs - Eligible Hospitals/Critical Access Hospitals
Resolution: Answered
In the STK-4 algorithm the code is written in a way that requires an EHR with the ability to capture a contraindication at the time of ordering a medication OR the time of administering a medication. From an interface perspective, it forces a physician to document a contraindication by checkbox as it relates to "Order not done" or "Administered not done". If the intent of the eMeasures is to be a reflection of the legacy inpatient quality reporting measures, this makes absolutely no sense. When a quality abstractor is determining if a medication measure was met or not met, they look for evidence of administration given. Whether it was ordered or not has no bearing on the outcome. In essence, at what point in time (order or administered) a contraindication is documented has no bearing on the outcome. Medication administered in this case is what matters. I believe the "Medication, order not done" should be completely removed from the algorithm unless someone can explain why these two actions need to be captured when only one really counts in the end. Thank you
• Denominator Exclusions =
o AND:
OR: "Occurrence A of Encounter, Performed: Inpatient Encounter (reason: 'Carotid Intervention')"
OR: "Risk Category Assessment: National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (result = 0 )" <= 180 minute(s) starts after start of
OR: "Occurrence A of Symptom, Active: Neurologic Symptoms of Stroke (start datetime)"
OR: "Occurrence A of Symptom, Active: Baseline State (stop datetime)"
OR: "Medication, Administered: Thrombolytic (t-PA) Therapy" <= 2 day(s) starts before start of "Occurrence A of Encounter, Performed: Emergency Department Visit (facility location arrival datetime)"
OR: "Medication, Order not done: Medical Reason" for "Thrombolytic (t-PA) Therapy RxNorm Value Set"
OR: "Medication, Order not done: Patient Refusal" for "Thrombolytic (t-PA) Therapy RxNorm Value Set"
OR: "Medication, Administered not done: Medical Reason" for "Thrombolytic (t-PA) Therapy RxNorm Value Set"
OR: "Medication, Administered not done: Patient Refusal" for "Thrombolytic (t-PA) Therapy RxNorm Value Set"
<= 180 minute(s) starts after start of "Occurrence A of Symptom, Active: Baseline State (stop datetime)"