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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-1271

CQM 138v1 and 170.314(a)(11)


    • Icon: Value Sets Value Sets
    • Resolution: Answered
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      There is a known variation between the meaningful use certification value set and the value set used in the eCQM for CMS138.
      The variation is due to a different intent for the two value sets – the meaningful use value set is focused on smoking and the eCQM value set is focused on any type of tobacco use (smokeless tobacco in addition to smoking).

      For the purposes of reporting CMS138, any of the concepts included in the value sets associated with OID 2.16.840.1.113883.3.526.3.1189, Tobacco Non-User, and OID 2.16.840.1.113883.3.526.3.1170, Tobacco User, are allowable.

      In addition, the goal of the objective is that all patients have a basic documented smoking status. It does not discourage systems from collecting more granular data; however, it does limit the certification testing to the smoking codes in regards to the objective. For the certification to CMS136, it is expected that more codes would in fact be captured and available for reporting.
      There is a known variation between the meaningful use certification value set and the value set used in the eCQM for CMS138. The variation is due to a different intent for the two value sets – the meaningful use value set is focused on smoking and the eCQM value set is focused on any type of tobacco use (smokeless tobacco in addition to smoking). For the purposes of reporting CMS138, any of the concepts included in the value sets associated with OID 2.16.840.1.113883.3.526.3.1189, Tobacco Non-User, and OID 2.16.840.1.113883.3.526.3.1170, Tobacco User, are allowable. In addition, the goal of the objective is that all patients have a basic documented smoking status. It does not discourage systems from collecting more granular data; however, it does limit the certification testing to the smoking codes in regards to the objective. For the certification to CMS136, it is expected that more codes would in fact be captured and available for reporting.

      The value set for OID 2.16.840.1.113883.3.526.3.1170 (Tobacco User) lists codes not required by 170.314(a)(11). The test plan for 170.314(a)(11) suggests an approach for EHR developers to meet the CQM 138 requirements by grouping the extra codes under the major snomed codes required by 170.314(a)(11).

      Is the ability to capture all codes in CQM 138 value set OID 2.16.840.1.113883.3.526.3.1170 required for QRDA I only? Or will the same translation that must be applied to those codes when exporting to CDA suffice for QRDA as well?

      The test data in Cypress for this value set is scant. 2 patients, tobacco SMOKERS only. There is no data for smokeless tobacco, which raises questions on how those should be translated for exporting CDAs.

      Any advice, or information is greatly appreciated!

            rtallapragada Ramya Tallapragada (Inactive)
            rfromhold Renee Fromhold (Inactive)
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