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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-1134

Measures are still using 2 different value sets for the same concept of Patient Expired


    • Icon: Value Sets Value Sets
    • Resolution: Resolved
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • ValueSet
    • None
    • Manish Parekhji
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      While the measure developer teams, with NLM, attempted to harmonize these value sets for 2014, they did not reach consensus on this issue. This may be due to the measure stewards' unwillingness to expand to multiple codes in the larger value set because of a concern the intent did not match the codes. The issue remains on the harmonization list and recent changes to standards may obviate the need for this ticket because a recent QDM proposal suggested removing the value set itself from the patient characteristic. If it does not become removed from the QDM, then it will be harmonized again for the next update. See the QDM ticket below to comment on that proposal.
      While the measure developer teams, with NLM, attempted to harmonize these value sets for 2014, they did not reach consensus on this issue. This may be due to the measure stewards' unwillingness to expand to multiple codes in the larger value set because of a concern the intent did not match the codes. The issue remains on the harmonization list and recent changes to standards may obviate the need for this ticket because a recent QDM proposal suggested removing the value set itself from the patient characteristic. If it does not become removed from the QDM, then it will be harmonized again for the next update. See the QDM ticket below to comment on that proposal.
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      Because of different value sets used in different measures, given a code for patient expired (e.g. SNOMED CT 15355001), this patient will be considered expired for ED-3 measure but not for any of the other measures (PC-05, AMI, STK etc.) )that use the other value set (2.16.840.1.113883. which has only one code in it - 371828006.
      Because of different value sets used in different measures, given a code for patient expired (e.g. SNOMED CT 15355001), this patient will be considered expired for ED-3 measure but not for any of the other measures (PC-05, AMI, STK etc.) )that use the other value set (2.16.840.1.113883. which has only one code in it - 371828006.

      PC-05, AMI and STK measures use "Patient Expired SNOMEDCT Value Set (2.16.840.1.113883."

      ED-3 uses - "Expired Grouping Value Set (2.16.840.1.113883.3.666.5.730)"

      There are no codes common between these 2 value sets.

      This will cause some measures to recognize the patient as expired but not the others.

      Expected - All measures should use the same value set for the same concept of patient expired.

            JLeflore Mathematica EH eCQM Team
            mparekhji Manish Parekhji
            Balu Balasubramanyam (Inactive), Rob McClure
            0 Vote for this issue
            10 Start watching this issue

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